Cabinet Approves Over Rs 10,300 Crore for IndiaAI Mission

The Cabinet has greenlit an ambitious financial allocation of over Rs 10,300 crore for the IndiaAI Mission, aimed at fortifying India’s AI innovation ecosystem. Spearheaded by a public-private partnership model, this significant investment over the next five years is poised to catalyze various strategic initiatives, including compute infrastructure expansion, startup empowerment, and ethical AI deployment.

Bolstering Compute Infrastructure: IndiaAI Compute Capacity

A pivotal component of the IndiaAI Mission, the IndiaAI Compute Capacity project aims to erect a cutting-edge, scalable AI computing infrastructure. With over 10,000 GPUs slated for deployment through strategic collaborations, this initiative sets the stage for advanced AI research and development.

Empowering AI Startups: IndiaAI Startup Financing

The financial outlay includes provisions to bolster the IndiaAI Startup Financing mechanism, facilitating streamlined access to funding for burgeoning AI startups. By supporting product development and commercialization endeavors, this initiative seeks to catalyze innovation and entrepreneurship in the AI sector.

Fostering Innovation: IndiaAI Innovation Centre (IAIC)

The IndiaAI Innovation Centre (IAIC), envisioned as a leading academic institution, will spearhead research talent retention and development. With a focus on indigenous model creation and leveraging edge computing, IAIC aims to drive innovation and foster technological self-reliance.

Enhancing Data Accessibility: IndiaAI Datasets Platform

The IndiaAI Datasets Platform, to be developed by the Independent Business Division (IBD) of IndiaAI, receives a boost to enhance accessibility, quality, and utility of public sector datasets. This initiative is crucial for driving data-driven governance and fueling AI-based innovation and research.

Expanding AI Education: IndiaAI FutureSkills

The IndiaAI FutureSkills program aims to expand AI education by increasing accessibility to graduate and post-graduate AI programs. By establishing Data and AI Labs across major cities and smaller towns, this initiative seeks to impart foundational-level courses in Data and AI, democratizing AI education.

Aligned with the broader vision of the IndiaAI Mission, these initiatives are poised to propel India’s global leadership in AI, ensure ethical AI deployment, and democratize the benefits of AI across all segments of society.


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