Gujarat’s Minister of State for Education, Praful Pansheriya, launched the online learning platform Shiksha Reform in Surat. The event was attended by noted educationist Deepak Rajguru, trustees, principals, Kimmo Nikkanen from Finland’s Kajaani University of Applied Sciences, and educationist Antti Isovita.
Minister Pansheriya emphasized the importance of embracing technology in education, stating, “The world is fast moving towards technology, and it is critical to enhance digital skills.”
Shiksha Reform is a collaborative effort with Microsoft and a leading Finnish university. It aims to deliver high-quality courses by experienced and highly qualified teachers to revolutionize education, particularly in technology.
Co-founders Rajiv Soni and Paresh Chalodiya said that Shiksha Reform offers short-term courses in cutting-edge fields like artificial intelligence and cyber security in association with Microsoft and the Finnish university. Students can study various courses on the platform by paying a nominal fee.
Partners Ankur Patel and Umesh Bardoliwala highlighted that a unique differentiator of Shiksha Reform is the offering of European Credits for students, which will be useful for those eyeing educational opportunities in Finland and Europe.
Shiksha Reform equips students with vital technological skills, giving a boost to their careers. The platform’s Skills for Jobs program offers learning paths to students, technology professionals, and others interested in enhancing their tech skills.
Shiksha Reform’s courses are prepared by leading corporations and universities, with state-of-the-art study material. Students can access their courses forever, without any time or other constraints, and are trained by highly qualified and industry-experienced mentors, informed Hatim Fathulla, Chief Strategy Officer.
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