The Boda Tyohar festival, also known as Magho ko Tyohar, is the largest annual celebration for the Hatti tribes of Himachal Pradesh’s Trans-Giri region. Celebrated by over three lakh members of the Hatti community, this month-long festival marks the end of the ‘Magha’ month and is characterized by unique cultural practices, rituals, and a strong sense of community unity. With a deep-rooted tradition, Boda Tyohar holds immense cultural significance and is a vibrant showcase of Hatti customs and beliefs.
Summary/Static | Details |
Why in the news? | Hatti Tribes Celebrate Boda Tyohar in Trans-Giri |
Festival Duration | Month-long, from Posh Dwadashi to the end of the ‘Magha’ month |
Community | Celebrated by the Hatti tribes of the Trans-Giri region, Himachal Pradesh |
Key Phases | 1. Bodhto – Preparation of traditional dishes, offerings to deities 2. Bhatioj – Communal meal, singing, and dancing at Sanjha Angan 3. Saje ka Duna – Men visit married sisters with gifts, women join Geet 4. Khoda Festival – Grand feast, followed by Boidoot celebrations 5. Communal Dining – Households invite family and relatives for a shared meal |
Cultural Significance | Emphasizes community unity, worship, music, dance, feasting, and family bonds |
Highlight | Women’s central role in festivities, symbolized through music and dance |
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