The Indian Army has launched “Eklavya,” an online learning platform aimed at revolutionizing officers’ training. Unveiled by General Upendra Dwivedi, Chief of the Army Staff (COAS), the initiative aligns with the Army’s 2024 theme, “Year of Technology Absorption,” and its broader vision for a “Decade of Transformation.” Developed at zero cost in collaboration with the Bhaskaracharya National Institute of Space Applications and Geoinformatics (BISAG-N), the platform integrates seamlessly with the Army Data Network.
With over 96 courses hosted by 17 Category ‘A’ training establishments, Eklavya empowers officers with continuous professional development opportunities while optimizing physical training resources.
Developer and Host
Knowledge Highway
Summary/Static | Details |
Why in the news? | The Indian Army has launched “Eklavya,” an online learning platform |
Launch | By General Upendra Dwivedi, COAS, under the 2024 “Year of Technology Absorption” initiative. |
Developer | Bhaskaracharya National Institute of Space Applications and Geoinformatics (BISAG-N), Gandhinagar |
Host Platform | Army Data Network |
Key Objective | To modernize and streamline officers’ training, focusing on online and domain-specific learning. |
No. of Courses | 96 courses hosted by 17 Category ‘A’ training establishments. |
Course Categories | 1. Pre-Course Preparatory Capsules 2. Appointment/Assignment-Related Courses 3. Professional Development Suite |
Unique Features | – Searchable “Knowledge Highway” for journals and research. – Scalable integration of courses and training establishments. |
Benefits | – Enhances domain specialization. – Decongests physical training courses. – Supports continuous professional development. |
Key Focus Areas | Strategy, Leadership, Emerging Technologies, Finance, Operational Art, and Organizational Behavior. |
Future Impact | Prepares officers for emerging warfare dynamics and improves operational efficiency through targeted training. |
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