In a significant move to bolster India’s position in the global fashion industry, Union Minister of Textiles, Shri Giriraj Singh, unveiled the ‘VisioNxt Fashion Forecasting Initiative’ developed by the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT). This launch event, which also saw the introduction of a bilingual web portal and the India-specific Fashion Trend Book ‘Paridhi 24×25‘, marks a pivotal moment in India’s fashion and textile sector.
In his address, Shri Giriraj Singh emphasized that the VisioNxt project is a result of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visionary leadership. He highlighted how India, post-2014, has been prioritizing indigenous design and manufacturing, with VisioNxt being a direct outcome of this strategic shift.
The inception of VisioNxt can be traced back to the Global Textile Summit in 2017, where Prime Minister Modi highlighted the need for India-specific real-time trend insights. This recognition led to the establishment of VisioNxt in 2018, supported by the Ministry of Textiles.
VisioNxt has developed “DeepVision“, a cutting-edge model designed to:
‘Paridhi‘ marks the launch of the first inclusive fashion trend forecast by VisioNxt, accompanied by a web portal for disseminating India-specific fashion trends.
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