The Government of Arunachal Pradesh has launched Mission Arun Himveer to enhance market linkages for local agricultural and horticultural producers. In a significant move, the Arunachal Pradesh Agriculture Marketing Board (APAMB) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), North East Frontier, in the presence of Chief Minister Pema Khandu.
Summary/Static | Details |
Why in the news? | Arunachal Pradesh launches ‘Mission Himveer’ to boost local economy |
Launch Date | December 1, 2024 |
Key Stakeholders | Arunachal Pradesh Agriculture Marketing Board (APAMB), ITBP |
Objectives | Boost market linkages, support Vibrant Village Programme, promote rural employment |
Economic Impact | ₹10 crore annual business; 100% payment to farmers; ₹4 crore revolving fund |
Key Milestones | Previous supply of ₹72 lakh produce to Indian Army; Initial exchange in Tawang, Ziro, Aalo, etc. |
Social Benefits | Reverse migration, improved ties with ITBP, women’s empowerment in rural areas |
Implementation Method | Direct procurement by ITBP; APAMB manages payment through revolving fund |
Future Goals | Expand markets, enhance rural economies, and integrate border regions |
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