In December 2024, an extraordinary scientific milestone was achieved in the Maldives with the discovery of a new damselfish species named Chromis abadhah. This groundbreaking finding was the result of an international collaboration of marine scientists, who uncovered the species inhabiting the deep-sea coral reefs in the mesophotic zone of the Maldives. The discovery adds to the country’s rich marine biodiversity and highlights the importance of global scientific partnerships in exploring uncharted marine ecosystems.
Summary/Static | Details |
Why in the news? | Discovery of a New Damselfish Species: Chromis abadhah |
Species Name | Chromis abadhah |
Meaning of Name | “Perpetual” in Dhivehi; honors the Rolex Perpetual Planet initiative. |
Discovery Location | Mesophotic zone, deep-sea coral reefs, Maldives |
Recorded Range | 8 locations across 180 km, from Lhaviyani Atoll to Dhaalu Atoll |
Unique Features | – Pearly white body with pale blue undertones. – Darker back, lighter below eyes, silvery-blue iris. – Reflective scales below eyes; blue hue fades to reddish-brown when preserved. |
Ecological Significance | Highlights mesophotic biodiversity; calls for marine ecosystem exploration and conservation. |
Funding Initiative | Supported by the Rolex Perpetual Planet initiative through Luiz Rocha’s Rolex Award for Enterprise. |
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