Shigemi Fukahori, a survivor of the 1945 atomic bombing of Nagasaki, passed away at the age of 93 on January 3, 2025. Fukahori dedicated his life to advocating for peace and nuclear disarmament, often sharing his painful experiences with students and people around the world. His life’s mission was to prevent the horrors he witnessed from ever happening again, and he played a significant role in spreading anti-nuclear messages globally.
Summary/Static | Details |
Why in the news? | Shigemi Fukahori, Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Survivor Dies at 93 |
Survivor of Nagasaki Bombing | Fukahori, 14 years old in 1945, survived the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, witnessing immense devastation and losing his family. |
Peace Advocacy | Devoted life to campaigning for nuclear disarmament, hoping students would take on “the baton of peace” to carry forward the message. |
Emotional Memories | Fukahori recalled traumatic experiences, including helping a person whose skin melted after the bomb exploded, a memory he carried for life. |
Role in Peace Ceremonies | Represented bomb victims at key ceremonies, including a ceremony where he pledged to make Nagasaki the final place where an atomic bomb is dropped. |
Pope Francis Encounter | Handed Pope Francis a wreath during his visit to Nagasaki in 2019, furthering his anti-nuclear message on a global stage. |
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