Nine-year-old Aarit Kapil, a budding chess prodigy from Delhi, made history by becoming the youngest Indian to defeat a chess Grandmaster. In a thrilling encounter during the ninth round of the KIIT International Open Tournament, Aarit emerged victorious against Raset Ziatdinov, a 66-year-old Grandmaster from the United States. At just 9 years, 2 months, and 18 days old, Aarit not only set a national record but also became the third-youngest player globally to achieve this feat under classical time control.
Opponent’s Profile: Ziatdinov, a seasoned GM, is past his competitive prime at 66.
Game Dynamics
Elite Talent: Aarit’s win places him among the most promising young chess talents.
Summary/Static | Details |
Why in the news? | 9-Year-Old Aarit Kapil Stuns Chess Grandmaster |
Age | 9 years, 2 months, 18 days |
Tournament | KIIT International Open |
Opponent | Raset Ziatdinov (USA) |
Global Rank (Youngest GM Slayer) | 3rd |
Top 3 Youngest to Beat a GM | 1. Ashwath Kaushik (8y 6m) 2. Leonid Ivanovic (8y 11m) 3. Aarit Kapil (9y 2m) |
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