Genesys International has launched its pan India program to make the Digital Twin of the entire Urban India. The launch programme was inaugurated by Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog. The creation of this very accurate 3D data will mean a host of applications would open up in high-definition mapping, which was hitherto not possible, for smart cars, e-commerce, logistics, gaming, utilities planning for next-generation networks in telecom, renewable energy and in disaster management and emergency response.
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Moreover, with all the smart city components, the digital twin of cities will put India on the map with advanced cities that are now using this geospatial technology. Genesys has a constellation of advanced sensors in India, consisting of aerial mobile and terrestrial systems capable of imaging at very high speeds and resolution. Genesys has also filed for patents in unique Geocoding for addressing 3D data as well as automated capture of features from 3D Street map imagery.
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