The Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Pema Khandu, inaugurated the newly renovated Shar Nyima Tsho Sum Namyig Lhakhang (Gonpa) at Gyangkhar, his native village in Tawang district. The Gonpa has great historical significance for the well-being of humans, particularly for the people of Shar Nyima Tsho Sum and all Buddhists in general. The 11-12th century Gonpa was on the verge of collapse, but it has now been renovated, and all the necessary rituals and blessings have been performed to restore it to its former glory. During a special public function for Buddhist followers held at Gyangkhar village after the inauguration, the Chief Minister felicitated top-ranked monks and dignitaries.
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The sacred site has been refurbished with a new structure and all the necessary items, and religious rituals and blessings have been performed for the benefit and improvement of all living beings. The temple has a significant historical and spiritual importance for the people of Shar Nyima Tsho Sum and all Buddhists in general. The temple was built in the 11th-12th century and was recently renovated and restored to its present form.
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