In a vibrant ceremony at Project Bhawan in Dhurva, Ranchi, Jharkhand, the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Jharkhand, Hemant Soren, unveiled the mascot for the upcoming Women’s Asian Champions Trophy 2023. ‘Juhi,’ the mascot, takes inspiration from the beloved elephant at Betla National Park. This event was graced by dignitaries, including the FIH President, Dato Tayyab Ikram, Hockey India President, Padma Shri Dr. Dilip Tirkey, Hockey India General Secretary, Bhola Nath Singh, and Hockey India Treasurer, Shekhar J Manoharan.
The unveiling of the mascot ‘Juhi’ and the launch of the Trophy Tour mark the exciting countdown to the Women’s Asian Champions Trophy Ranchi 2023. With a rich cultural symbol and the support of esteemed dignitaries, the tournament promises to be a celebration of athleticism, heritage, and unity. The competition is set to captivate hockey enthusiasts and showcase the talent and determination of women athletes on the international stage.
Betla National Park Inspiration: The mascot ‘Juhi’ draws its inspiration from the iconic elephant at Betla National Park. It represents the rich wildlife heritage of Jharkhand.
Unveiling by Hon’ble Chief Minister: Hemant Soren, the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Jharkhand, had the honor of unveiling ‘Juhi’ as a symbol of pride for the upcoming tournament.
Trophy Tour Commencement: The event also marked the initiation of the Trophy Tour for the Jharkhand Women’s Asian Champions Trophy Ranchi 2023.
Statewide Journey: The magnificent trophy will embark on a tour across all districts of the state, commencing on October 13, 2023.
Culmination: The Trophy Tour will conclude on October 25, 2023, with the trophy returning to Ranchi, setting the stage for the tournament’s commencement.
Event Dates: The Women’s Asian Champions Trophy Ranchi 2023 is scheduled to take place from October 27 to November 5.
Participating Teams: The tournament will witness fierce competition between India, Japan, China, Korea, Malaysia, and Thailand.
Team Leadership: Savita will lead the Indian Women’s Hockey Team as Captain, with Deep Grace Ekka serving as her deputy.
Opening Match: India will kickstart their campaign in the tournament against Thailand on October 27, 2023.
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