Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has announced that a stadium will be built in Olympic gold-medallist Neeraj Chopra’s native village in Panipat. A stadium would be built in Neeraj Chopra’s village for Rs 10 crore. Last year, Chopra became the first Indian to win a gold medal in the Olympic track and field.
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Khelo India Youth Games-2021 will be organised by the Haryana Government from June 4 to June 13. Haryana has become a sports hub and players from the state have brought laurels at various national and international level sporting events. Haryana is also giving the highest prize money to its players.
Keoladeo National Park is a famous natural haven known for its rich biodiversity and vibrant…
The Lok Sabha is the lower house of India's Parliament, where important discussions and decisions…
The appointment procedure for India's Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) and Election Commissioners (ECs) has undergone…
Plums are sweet and juicy fruits loved by many people in India. They are not…
What Is APAAR ID? The Ministry of Education and Government of India has initiated the…
Minerals are natural substances found in the Earth, and they are essential for various human…