Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin, along with several dignitaries, inaugurated India’s first-ever glass bridge in Kanniyakumari. The bridge connects two iconic landmarks Vivekananda Rock Memorial and the 133-foot Thiruvalluvar Statue enhancing Kanniyakumari’s appeal as a premier tourist destination. Built under a Rs 37-crore initiative by the Tamil Nadu government, the glass bridge aims to improve the travel experience for visitors and boost the local tourism sector. The project coincided with the silver jubilee of the Thiruvalluvar Statue’s unveiling by former Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi. The glass bridge is expected to become a landmark tourist attraction, drawing both domestic and international tourists.
Summary/Static | Details |
Why in the news? | India Gets Its First Glass Bridge at Kanniyakumari |
Project Name | India’s First Glass Bridge |
Location | Kanniyakumari, Tamil Nadu |
Inaugurated by | Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin |
Cost of Project | Rs 37 crore |
Key Dignitaries Present | Udhayanidhi Stalin, Kanimozhi |
Connects | Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Thiruvalluvar Statue |
Length | 77 meters |
Width | 10 meters |
Design | Bowstring-arch design |
Key Features | Transparent glass surface, marine-grade durability |
Challenges | Rough seas, high humidity, and environmental conditions |
Economic Benefits | Boosts local tourism, enhances accessibility |
Cultural Significance | Marks the silver jubilee of the Thiruvalluvar Statue |
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