The Union Home Minister Amit Shah has launched the first Cyber Crime Prevention Unit of India “AASHVAST” in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Along with AASHVAST, he also launched 2 other projects: VISWAS & Netrang.
The AASHVAST project will act as a helpline for the cyber crime victims. The project will provide cyber-security solution to the common people of Gujarat provided by Gujarat Police. Project AASHVAST is expected to contribute in preventing crimes in the state of Gujarat.
The e-governance initiative Video Integration and State Wide Advanced Security (VISHWAS) was also launched with an objective to improve Law and Order Management, Proactive traffic management and control, Crime detection with the help of video analytics and post incident investigation and video forensics. Command and Control Room will be established in 33 districts of the state in the project ‘Netrang’.
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