Noted playback singers Kumar Sanu and Shailendra Singh and music-composer duo Anand-Milind were conferred with the National Lata Mangeshkar Award for different years. They will be presented the prestigious award (on September 28), the birth anniversary of the late legendary singer, at her birthplace Indore. State Culture Minister Usha Thakur conferred Shailendra Singh, Anand-Milind, and Kumar Sanu with the award for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 respectively.
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Singh, who carved a special place in the hearts of music lovers with his distinctive voice in the 1970-1980 decades, will be awarded the Lata Mangeshkar Award for 2019, while Anand-Milind, who composed music for over 200 films, will be honoured with the award Honors for 2020. The award for 2021 will be given to Sanu, who gave his velvety voice to several popular songs in the 1990s.
Officials informed the award is given for promoting excellence in the area of light music annually by the Madhya Pradesh government’s culture department. It carries a cash prize of Rs two lakh and a citation. Earlier recipients included Naushad, Kishore Kumar and Asha Bhosle.
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