Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Indian Space Association (ISpA) via videoconferencing. Its founding members include Bharti Airtel, Larsen & Toubro, Nelco (Tata Group), OneWeb, Mapmyindia, Walchandnagar Industries and Ananth Technology Limited.
Other core members include Godrej, Hughes India, Azista-BST Aerospace Private Limited, BEL, Centum Electronics and Maxar India.
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About the board members:
About the ISpA:
The ISpA is a private industry body that will act as a premier industry body for space and satellite companies in the country. ISpA will be represented by homegrown and global corporations with advanced capabilities in space and satellite technologies. ISpA will work towards boosting space technology in India, with focus on capacity building and space economic hubs and incubators in India.
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