The launch of the ‘Sanraksha’ mobile application by Indian Railways aims to enhance the safety and security of passengers. It integrates advanced technology, including data analytics and potential AI applications, to train and build the capacity of railway staff while ensuring passenger safety. The app was launched after a successful pilot project in the Nagpur division, and it is being rolled out across various railway zones to create a more secure environment for travelers.
Summary/Static | Detail |
Why in the news? | Sanraksha Mobile app launched to improve railway safety through training and capacity building of staff. |
Pilot Project | First implemented in Nagpur division, showcasing its effectiveness. |
Rollout Plan | App to be implemented across 16 railway zones initially, with plans for wider rollout. |
Technology Integration | Combines domain knowledge, IT, data analytics, and future AI applications. |
Learning & Feedback | Offers smart learning features with real-time feedback and monitoring capabilities. |
Rail Madad Portal | Provides immediate assistance for complaints, integrated with ERSS via Helpline Number 139. |
CCTV Surveillance | Cameras installed in coaches and stations for enhanced security. |
Social Media Engagement | Regular updates and interaction with passengers to address safety concerns. |
Special Drives | Drives against entry of male passengers in women’s compartments, with legal action taken against offenders. |
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