In a landmark development for India’s electronics manufacturing sector, Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw inaugurated Syrma SGS Technology’s advanced laptop assembly line in Chennai. This new facility symbolizes India’s growing dominance in IT hardware production, expanding its success in mobile manufacturing to high-value electronics like laptops. With initiatives under the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) 2.0 scheme, India is taking significant steps towards becoming a global IT hardware hub.
Summary/Static | Details |
Why in the news? | Smartphones to Laptops: India’s IT Revolution |
Facility | Syrma SGS Technology’s laptop assembly line in Chennai |
Initial Production Capacity | 100,000 laptops annually, scalable to 1 million units |
Partnership | With Micro-Star International (MSI), a leading Taiwanese tech firm |
Employment Impact | 150-200 specialized jobs by FY26 |
Electronics Growth | ₹9.8 lakh crore production in 2024; mobile exports worth ₹1.5 lakh crore |
Tamil Nadu’s Contribution | 30% of India’s electronics exports; iPhone 16 Pro manufactured locally |
PLI 2.0 Goals | ₹3.5 lakh crore production, 47,000 jobs, ₹3,000 crore investment |
Achievements (Dec 2024) | ₹520 crore investments, ₹10,000 crore production, 3,900 jobs created |
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