Suresh N Patel took oath as the Vigilance Commissioner in the anti-corruption watchdog CVC. He took the oath of office by Central Vigilance Commissioner Sanjay Kothari through video conference. He will have a tenure of over two years, till late December 2022, in the CVC. Sharad Kumar is working as the other vigilance commissioner. The tenure of a vigilance commissioner is of four years or till the incumbent attains the age of 65 years.
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Prior to this, he worked as the executive director in Oriental Bank of Commerce before taking over as the Managing Director and CEO of Andhra Bank in 2015. He had been a member of the management committee of Indian Banks’ Association, member of Bankers’ Institute of Rural Development at NABARD, president, state-level Bankers’ Committee in Andhra Pradesh and also the president of the Bankers’ Institute of Rural and Entrepreneurship Development.
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