The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has recently launched a chatbot to help people get an answer to their queries related to the Aadhaar card. It is called “Aadhaar Mitra”. The Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML)-a based chatbot can answer queries related to Aadhaar enrolment number, PVC Card order status, and complaint status, among other things. It is available in both English and Hindi languages.
After every answer given by Aadhaar Chatbot, there is a Thumbs Up/Thumbs down icon below every chat response. Also, after the end of the session, on closing the window resident can provide a star rating (on a scale of 1 to 5).
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Aadhaar Chatbot is well-trained to answer queries on Aadhaar-related topics, provide information about Locate Aadhaar Center, Check Aadhaar Enrolment/ Update status, Check PVC Card Order status, file a Complaint, Check Complaint status, Locate Enrolment Center, and Book An Appointment.
The user does not need to go to an Aadhaar enrolment center to update the card anymore. It can be done through the chatbot. They can also apply for a duplicate Aadhaar if the original is lost.
The users can simply type their query in Chatbot and get the desired answers immediately.
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Click on the “Aadhaar Mitra” box in the bottom right corner. The chatbot will open saying, “Hi, I am your Aadhaar Mitra. How May I help you!!”
Step 3: Tap on “Get Started” to ask the query.
Step 4: In the search box, enter the query and click on the Enter button. The chatbot will reply with the answer.
Step 5: Also, you can click on the suggested query option available at the top. You can also give feedback on the answers.
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