Cow protection and welfare have always been a key focus in Uttar Pradesh, especially under the leadership of Yogi Adityanath, both as the Chief Minister and the Peethadheeshwar of Gorakshapeeth. The state has seen significant efforts to promote indigenous cow breeds, enhance milk production, and provide welfare to cows. These initiatives, supported by infrastructure developments such as veterinary colleges, are set to transform Uttar Pradesh into a leader in cow milk production.
As both Chief Minister and Peethadheeshwar, Yogi Adityanath prioritizes cow welfare, Initiatives include,
Summary/Static | Details |
Why in the news? | Uttar Pradesh Set To Become India’s Top Cow Milk Producer As Yogi Govt’s Initiatives Bear Fruit |
Gorakshapeeth’s Role | Houses a cowshed focused on preserving native cow breeds. |
Yogi Adityanath’s Initiatives | Prioritizes cow welfare with efforts like rescuing stray cows, providing incentives to herders, and ensuring regular vaccination and breed improvement. |
Milk Production in UP | Produces 5.29 million tonnes of milk annually, with 4.2 million tonnes from indigenous and mixed breeds and 1.7 million tonnes from foreign breeds. |
Indigenous Breeds | Milk from indigenous cows is of superior quality due to their adaptation to the Indian climate. |
Veterinary Colleges | Veterinary colleges in Gorakhpur and Bhadohi will serve as research hubs to enhance cow productivity. |
Future Goal | Uttar Pradesh aims to become the top producer of cow milk, building on its current 16% share of India’s total milk production. |
Development of Veterinary College | Gorakhpur’s veterinary college is under construction, with a budget of Rs 350 crore, expected to be completed by 2026. |
Focus on Animal Housing | Adequate land for housing, pastures, and the creation of a Gau Sarovar are part of the government’s focus on animal welfare. |
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