Film production and distribution company Yash Raj Films (YRF) has named Akshaye Widhani as chief executive officer. Widhani was serving as senior vice-president, finance and business Affairs and head of operations at YRF Studios. He used to head corporate and business development activities for YRF, including finance, business extensions, strategic alliances, joint ventures, co-productions.
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About the Akshaye Widhani:
Widhani joined YRF 17 years ago, has been responsible for setting up and running several business verticals for the company. His first stint was as studio manager, in charge of setting up operations for YRF Studios in 2005. Later, he took up leadership roles in corporate finance, strategy and operations. A graduate from Kelley School of Business, Indiana University with a dual major in finance and entrepreneurship, Widhani has also been spearheading recent initiatives for The Yash Chopra Foundation.
History of Yash Raj Films:
Yash Raj Films is one of India’s biggest film production houses. Aditya Chopra is the Chairman and MD of Yash Raj Films. Yash Raj Films was founded by Yash Raj Chopra, in the year 1970.
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