The Bulandshahr prison of Uttar Pradesh was awarded a five-star rating and the tag ‘Eat Right Campus’ by the Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI). The FSSAI team inspected the kitchen’s food quality, storage and hygiene on stringent measures, based on which the Bulandshahr prison was given a five-star rating, the ‘Eat Right Campus’ tag in addition to the remark of ‘Excellent’ by the FSSAI. Bulandshahr Jail is the second prison after Farrukhabad jail to get this tag from Uttar Pradesh.
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The jail officers and the prisoners worked extensively for beautification, cleanliness and food safety. The staff also used clean aprons, full-sleeve gloves and caps for preparing food. The Director General of the prison, Anand Kumar, directed the staff to continuously work towards maintaining the hygiene, quality and cleanliness while preparing food. He also congratulated all the staff and prisoners for the tag, the release stated.
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