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6th India-Australia Maritime Dialogue & 14th Counter-Terrorism Meeting

India and Australia recently held two significant bilateral meetings to enhance their Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. Australia hosted the 6th India-Australia Maritime Security Dialogue in Canberra, while India hosted the 14th India-Australia Joint Working Group on Counter-Terrorism in New Delhi. Both dialogues aimed at strengthening cooperation in maritime security and counter-terrorism.

6th India-Australia Maritime Security Dialogue

Date & Location: 13 August 2024, Canberra, Australia

Indian Delegation: Led by Ms Muanpuii Saiawi, Joint Secretary, Disarmament & International Security Affairs, Ministry of External Affairs

Australian Delegation: Led by Ms Sarah Storey, First Assistant Secretary South Asia & Central Asia Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Mr Bernard Philip, First Assistant Secretary of International Policy, Department of Defence

Discussion Points: Focused on enhancing cooperation in Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR), sustainable use of marine resources, Search and Rescue operations, pollution response, blue economy, and Port State control

Next Meeting: 7th India-Australia Maritime Security Dialogue to be held in New Delhi

14th India-Australia Joint Working Group on Counter-Terrorism

Date & Location: 12 August 2024, New Delhi, India

Indian Delegation: Led by K.D. Dewal, Joint Secretary for Counter-Terrorism, Ministry of External Affairs

Australian Delegation: Led by Richard Feakes, Ambassador for Counter-Terrorism, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Discussion Points: Focused on strengthening cooperation to counter terrorism, exchanging views on regional and global terrorism, condemning terrorism in all forms, and emphasizing the need for enhanced international cooperation

Next Meeting: 15th India-Australia Joint Working Group on Counter-Terrorism to be hosted by Australia in Canberra

About Australia

Location: Island continent in the southern hemisphere between the Pacific and Indian Oceans

Capital: Canberra

Currency: Australian Dollar

Prime Minister: Anthony Albanese

Notable Facts: Smallest continent on earth and the sixth-largest country by area; known as the “Oldest Continent,” “the Last of Lands,” and “the Last Frontier.” Aboriginal population is native, with a large European-born settler population.

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