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India’s Environment Performance in 2024

India’s latest ranking in the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) for 2024 places it at 176th out of 180 countries, reflecting slight improvement from previous years but still positioning it among the world’s lowest performers. The index, prepared by Yale and Columbia universities, highlights India’s struggles in crucial areas like air quality, biodiversity, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Top 10 Countries in the Environmental Performance Index 2024

  1. Estonia – Score: 75.3
  2. Luxembourg – Score: 75.0
  3. Germany – Score: 74.6
  4. Finland – Score: 73.7
  5. United Kingdom – Score: 72.7
  6. Sweden – Score: 70.5
  7. Norway – Score: 70.0
  8. Austria – Score: 69.0
  9. Switzerland – Score: 68.0
  10. Denmark – Score: 67.9

Environmental Challenges

India faces severe challenges in several key environmental metrics:

Air Quality

Continues to be a major concern, with India ranking poorly in air quality compared to global standards, surpassing even its South Asian neighbors.

Biodiversity and Habitat

Scores poorly in measures related to ecosystem vitality, species protection, and terrestrial biome preservation.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Despite efforts in renewable energy, India remains one of the largest emitters globally, impacting climate change efforts.

Progress Amid Challenges

While India ranks low overall, there are areas showing improvement:

Climate Change

Notwithstanding its overall low ranking, India’s efforts in climate change mitigation have been recognized, particularly with initiatives in renewable energy and a commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2070.

Sector-Specific Gains

India’s scores are bolstered by advancements in waste management, forest conservation, and agricultural practices.

Policy and International Comparisons

Coal Dependence

Heavy reliance on coal continues to hamper India’s environmental performance, contributing significantly to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Global Context

The index highlights disparities among nations, with India’s ranking affected by the relative progress of other countries in environmental stewardship.

Future Challenges and Financial Needs

Sustainability Goals

India faces substantial challenges in achieving sustainability across multiple fronts, necessitating significant financial investments estimated at $160 billion annually to meet climate goals and environmental targets.

India’s Environmental Performance: Key Points


India ranks 176th out of 180 countries in the 2024 Environmental Performance Index.


  • Air Quality: India faces severe challenges with air quality, often exceeding safe limits.
  • Biodiversity: Concerns over ecosystem vitality, species protection, and habitat preservation.
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions: One of the largest global emitters, impacting climate change efforts.


  • Climate Change Initiatives: Pursuing renewable energy projects and aiming for net-zero emissions by 2070.
  • Sector-Specific Improvements: Advancements in waste management, forest conservation, and agriculture.

Policy and International Comparisons

  • Coal Dependence: Heavy reliance on coal remains a significant environmental challenge.
  • Global Context: India’s ranking affected by the environmental progress of other nations.

Future Needs

  • Financial Investments: Estimated $160 billion annually needed for climate mitigation efforts and environmental sustainability.

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