The first Jallikattu event of Tamil Nadu for 2025 was held on January 4 at Thatchankurichi village in the Gandarvakottai taluk of Pudukkottai district. This traditional bull-taming event marks the beginning of the Pongal celebrations and the Jallikattu season in the state. Over 600 bulls and 350 bull-taming participants took part in this iconic event, symbolizing Tamil Nadu’s rich cultural heritage.
Key Highlights
Event Details
- Date: January 4, 2025
- Location: Thatchankurichi village, Gandarvakottai taluk, Pudukkottai district
- Participants: 600 bulls from districts like Trichy, Dindigul, Manapparai, Pudukkottai, and Sivagangai
- Bull Tamers: 350 participants, all medically examined and issued identity cards
- Rituals: Oath-taking ceremony conducted in the presence of District Collector M. Aruna
Cultural Significance
- Jallikattu is an age-old tradition celebrated during Pongal, the Tamil harvest festival.
- The event showcases bravery, strength, and cultural pride.
- The name “Jallikattu” comes from Jalli (silver and gold coins) and Kattu (tied), symbolizing rewards given to tamers.
Government Permissions
- The Tamil Nadu government issued necessary permissions to organize the event.
Safety Measures
- All tamers underwent medical examinations to ensure fitness for the event.
- Identity cards were issued to participants to maintain safety and order.
Key Locations
- Ancestral Bull Breeds: Bulls from various districts such as Trichy, Dindigul, and Sivagangai participated in the event.
- Ancestral Pride: The event celebrates Tamil Nadu’s indigenous bull breeds and rural traditions.
What is Jallikattu?
- Definition: A traditional bull-taming sport in Tamil Nadu, where bulls are released into a crowd, and participants try to grab the bull’s hump to tame it.
- When is it Celebrated?: During the Pongal festival in January.
- Objective: Participants aim to ride the bull or bring it under control without using weapons.
- Cultural Importance: Jallikattu is a symbol of Tamil pride, bravery, and agricultural heritage.
Summary/Static | Details |
Why in the news? | Jallikattu Season Begins! Thatchankurichi Hosts 2025’s First Event |
Event Name | First Jallikattu of 2025 |
Location | Thatchankurichi, Gandarvakottai taluk, Pudukkottai district |
Bulls Participating | 600 bulls from various districts |
Bull Tamers | 350 participants |
Significance | Marks the beginning of the Jallikattu season and Pongal celebrations |
Government Permission | Approved by the Tamil Nadu government |
Key Ritual | Oath-taking ceremony led by District Collector M. Aruna |
Cultural Relevance | A symbol of Tamil heritage, bravery, and agricultural pride |
Safety Measures | Medical checks and ID cards issued to all tamers |
Name Meaning | “Jallikattu” means tying coins as a reward for tamers |