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Michel Barnier Named by Macron to be France’s New PM

French President Emmanuel Macron has made a significant political decision by appointing Michel Barnier, the former EU Brexit negotiator, as France’s new Prime Minister on September 5, 2024. This appointment comes after an extended period of political uncertainty and marks a crucial moment in France’s ongoing efforts to form a stable government.

The Appointment Process and Its Significance

End of Caretaker Government

  • Barnier’s appointment ends a 50-day period of caretaker government led by Gabriel Attal.
  • Attal resigned on July 16 following inconclusive legislative elections.

Macron’s Careful Deliberation

  • The President and his team engaged in intense efforts to find a suitable candidate.
  • The goal was to identify someone capable of building support in a divided parliament.

Official Statement from the Élysée Palace

  • Barnier is tasked with “forming a unifying government to serve the country and the French people.”
  • The statement emphasized an “unprecedented cycle of consultations” to ensure stability and broad unity.

Michel Barnier: A Seasoned Political Veteran

Career Highlights

  1. EU’s Chief Brexit Negotiator: Led complex talks with Britain over its departure from the European Union.
  2. Extensive Ministerial Experience: Served as French Foreign, European Affairs, Environment, and Agriculture Minister.
  3. European Commissioner: Held this position twice during his career.

Personal Background

  • Proud of his humble roots in France’s Alpine region of Haute-Savoie.
  • Boasts a political career spanning over 50 years.

Political Context and Challenges

Divided Parliament

  • The July 7 legislative elections resulted in a hung parliament.
  • Three main blocs emerged:
    1. The left, including Jean-Luc Melenchon’s party
    2. Macron’s centrist support base
    3. The far right, led by Marine Le Pen

Olympic Interlude

  • Caretaker government maintained to ensure stability during the July 26-August 11 Paris Olympics.

Opposition’s Immediate Reaction

  • Jean-Luc Melenchon, influential far-left leader, voiced strong opposition to Barnier’s appointment.
  • Melenchon claimed the “election has been stolen,” predicting Barnier would fail to secure majority backing in the National Assembly.

The Road Ahead for Barnier and Macron

Forming a New Government

  • Barnier’s immediate task is to put together a new government.
  • The challenge lies in navigating the diverse political landscape to form a functional cabinet.

Building Parliamentary Support

  • Barnier must work on building loose groupings of backers in parliament.
  • The goal is to survive potential attempts by opposition to topple the new government.

Unifying a Divided Nation

  • The broader objective is to create a government that can unite the French people.
  • This task is particularly challenging given the stark political divisions evident in the recent elections.

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