Laos Gears Up to Host 57th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting

Laos authorities have discussed preparations for the 57th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and related meetings, scheduled to take place in the Laos capital Vientiane from July 21 to 27.

Preparatory Meeting

A preparatory meeting was held on Wednesday, chaired by Laos Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Saleumxay Kommasith.

Progress Briefing

During the meeting, participants were briefed about the progress made by sub-committees in preparation for the major regional events. The preparatory work includes accommodation for ministers and delegations from more than 34 countries, delegate vehicles, transport, communication, and internet facilities.

Call to Action

Saleumxay urged relevant authorities to continue their efforts in preparing for the upcoming regional events, ensuring all arrangements are in place for the smooth conduct of the meeting.

ASEAN : Key Points

Full Name: Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Founded: August 8, 1967

Headquarters: Jakarta, Indonesia

Motto: “One Vision, One Identity, One Community”

Member Countries (10)

  1. Brunei Darussalam
  2. Cambodia
  3. Indonesia
  4. Laos
  5. Malaysia
  6. Myanmar
  7. Philippines
  8. Singapore
  9. Thailand
  10. Vietnam


Promote Economic Growth: Foster economic development and trade among member states.

Cultural Development: Enhance cultural exchanges and mutual understanding.

Social Progress: Improve living standards and quality of life in the region.

Political Stability: Maintain peace, stability, and security.

Regional Cooperation: Strengthen collaboration in various fields including agriculture, education, and science.

Key Bodies

ASEAN Summit: Highest policy-making body comprising heads of state/government of member states.

ASEAN Secretariat: Based in Jakarta, Indonesia, it provides administrative support and implements ASEAN policies.

ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF): A platform for security dialogue in Asia.

Key Agreements and Initiatives

ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA): Aims to eliminate tariffs and facilitate trade.

ASEAN Economic Community (AEC): Seeks to create a single market and production base.

ASEAN Plus Three: Involves ASEAN along with China, Japan, and South Korea, enhancing cooperation with East Asia.

Major Summits and Meetings

ASEAN Summit: Held biannually, focusing on strategic issues and regional cooperation.

ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting: Annual meeting addressing diplomatic and security matters.


Dialogue Partners: Includes countries like China, Japan, South Korea, the United States, and the European Union, fostering external relations and cooperation.


Economic Disparities: Addressing development gaps among member states.

Political Differences: Managing diverse political systems and ideologies.

Security Issues: Tackling regional security threats like terrorism and territorial disputes.

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CM Mohan Yadav Launches ‘Lokpath Mobile App’ For Public

Bhopal, Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav has said that our aim is to make all departments as accountable as possible towards the public. Lokpath Mobile App prepared by the Public Works Department is being launched with a view to continuously moving forward on the path of public welfare by adopting a more transparent and accountable working system towards the public.

 About the app

Chief Minister Dr. Yadav said that quick improvement will be possible with the app as per the need in 40 thousand kilometer long roads of the state.

  • It is a challenging and courageous task for the department to make improvements in 7 days. It is believed that the department will be successful in successfully implementing this innovation using the latest technology.
  • Although it is natural for roads to get damaged due to excessive rainfall, waterlogging and heavy vehicle traffic, the department should try to ensure that there are no potholes on the roads.
  • Lokpath Mobile App is an important step for the empowerment of Road Information and Management System.

Facilities for this app

The mobile app will provide the facility to the general public to report the problems of the roads and will also ensure the accountability of the officers. Lokpath Mobile App has been prepared by Madhya Pradesh State Electronic Development Corporation Limited.

  • Lokpath Mobile App can be downloaded and installed by visiting the website of Public Works Department
  • By opening the app in the mobile phone and taking a photo of the pot hole / patch of the registered roads and uploading it in the app, the complaint will reach the concerned officer directly for resolution.
  • The officer will repair this pot hole / patch within a time limit of seven days and register the resolution through the app, the information of which will be received by the complainant on the mobile.

Implementation of this scheme

All the repairable national highways, state highways, main district and other district and rural roads of the state under the Public Works Department will be included. This scheme will be implemented in two phases. The first phase is being started from July 2. It will include national highways, state highways and main district roads. In the second phase, the remaining other district and rural roads will be included along with the roads included in the first phase.


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Newest Division of Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh, known for its diverse culture and unique traditions, is the fourth largest state in India. It covers an area of 240,928 square kilometers and is the most populous state in the country, with the highest number of Lok Sabha seats.

Population and Administrative Structure of Uttar Pradesh

As of the 2011 census, Uttar Pradesh had a population of approximately 199.8 million, accounting for about 16.5% of India’s total population. Currently, the population exceeds 240 million. The state has 80 Lok Sabha seats, the highest in India.

Districts in Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh has a total of 75 districts, with Sambhal being the newest addition. The state also includes:

  • 826 Community Development Blocks
  • 200 Municipal Councils
  • 17 Municipal Corporations
  • 5 Special Area Development Authorities
  • 546 Nagar Panchayats (Town Councils)
  • 75 Zila Panchayats (District Councils)
  • Over 58,000 Gram Panchayats (Village Councils)

Divisions in Uttar Pradesh

The state is divided into 18 divisions, which are grouped into four regions:

  • Western Uttar Pradesh
  • Purvanchal (Eastern Uttar Pradesh)
  • Bundelkhand
  • Central Uttar Pradesh

The Newest Division of Uttar Pradesh

The newest division in Uttar Pradesh is Aligarh, making it the 18th division in the state. Aligarh, previously known as Kol or Koil, has a rich history marked by several invasions. After the Battle of Ghosar, it was renamed Ramgarh. Later, Shia commander Najaf Khan captured the area and renamed it Aligarh.

Kye Highlights of Uttar Pradesh

  • Historical Sites: Aligarh is famous for the Aligarh Fort.
  • Educational Institutions: Aligarh Muslim University, established in 1920, is one of the prominent institutions in the city.
  • Administrative Details: Aligarh consists of 1,241 villages, 19 urban local bodies, and 30 police stations.

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Robert Towne, Oscar-Winning Screenwriter of ‘Chinatown,’ Dies at 89

Robert Towne, the acclaimed screenwriter whose work shaped the landscape of American cinema in the 1970s and beyond, passed away on Monday, December 4, 2023, at his home in Los Angeles. He was 89 years old.

His publicist, Carri McClure, confirmed his death, stating that Towne was surrounded by family in his final moments. The cause of death was not disclosed.

A Career Defined by Excellence

Towne’s illustrious career spanned several decades, during which he crafted some of the most memorable screenplays in Hollywood history. His crowning achievement came with the 1974 neo-noir masterpiece “Chinatown,” for which he won an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay.

Other notable works include:

  • Shampoo” (1975)
  • The Last Detail” (1973)
  • Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes” (1984)

These scripts earned him three additional Oscar nominations, cementing his status as one of the industry’s most respected writers.

The Auteur Among Screenwriters

In an era when Hollywood began to recognize the artistic contributions of directors, Towne stood out as a rare “auteur” among screenwriters. His work, particularly “Chinatown,” became a model for the craft, showcasing his ability to bring a deeply personal and influential vision of Los Angeles to the screen.

Collaborations with Hollywood Icons

Towne’s close friendships with Warren Beatty and Jack Nicholson led to fruitful collaborations that defined the cinema of the 1960s and ’70s. These partnerships allowed him to work on projects where artists held unprecedented creative control, resulting in some of the most celebrated films of the period.

Recognition and Legacy

In addition to his Oscar win and nominations, Towne received the Writers Guild of America’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 1997, acknowledging his significant contributions to the art of screenwriting.

Robert Towne’s passing marks the end of an era in Hollywood. His ability to elevate the role of the screenwriter and his unique portrayal of Los Angeles will continue to influence filmmakers and writers for generations to come.

He is survived by his family, who were with him in his final hours. Funeral arrangements have not been announced at this time.

Robert Towne’s life and work remind us of the power of words in cinema and the enduring impact of a truly gifted storyteller. His legacy will live on through the timeless films he helped create.

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IGNOU Launches MA Programme in Bhagavad Gita Studies

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has announced the launch of a new MA programme in Bhagavad Gita Studies for the academic session 2024-2025. The course will begin in July 2024 and will be offered through open and distance learning (ODL).

Programme Highlights

  • Course Duration: 2 to 4 years
  • Seats Available: 500
  • Credits: 80
  • Medium of Instruction: Hindi (with plans to introduce English)
  • Course Fee: Rs 12,600 for the entire two-year course or Rs 6,300 annually
  • Study Material: Available in print and digital forms

Educational Qualifications

  • Candidates must have a bachelor’s degree or an equivalent from a recognised university in any field.

Development and Coordination

  • The course was developed and designed by Professor Devesh Kumar Mishra, who is also the course coordinator.

Official Notice

  • The approval of the course was granted on December 19, 2023, during the 81st Academic Council Meeting of the institution. Admission details can be accessed through the official IGNOU website.

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A book titled “Manoj Bajpayee: The Definitive Biography” by Piyush Pandey

In the world of celebrity biographies, a new addition stands out for its raw honesty and inspiring narrative. “Manoj Bajpayee: The Definitive Biography” by journalist Piyush Pandey offers readers an intimate look into the life of one of India’s most respected actors.

About the Book

  • Title: Manoj Bajpayee: The Definitive Biography
  • Author: Piyush Pandey
  • Genre: Biography / Bollywood / Indian Cinema

The essence of “Manoj Bajpayee: The Definitive Biography”:

  1. Journey of perseverance: The book primarily focuses on Manoj Bajpayee’s relentless pursuit of his acting dream, despite facing numerous rejections and obstacles. It highlights his journey from a small village in Bihar to becoming a respected actor in Bollywood.
  2. Commitment to craft: The biography emphasizes Bajpayee’s unwavering dedication to the art of acting, often choosing challenging and meaningful roles over commercial success.
  3. Industry insights: It provides a behind-the-scenes look at the workings of Bollywood, especially the challenges faced by outsiders and character actors.
  4. Transformation of Hindi cinema: The book discusses how Bajpayee’s work, especially films like “Satya”, contributed to a shift in Bollywood towards more realistic cinema.
  5. Inspiration for aspiring actors: Bajpayee’s story serves as an inspiration for those from small towns dreaming of a career in films.
  6. Artistic integrity: The biography underscores Bajpayee’s philosophy of working according to his beliefs rather than commercial formulas.
  7. Exploration of iconic roles: It offers detailed accounts of Bajpayee’s most memorable performances and their impact on his career and Hindi cinema.

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Smart Cities Mission in India Extended to 2025

The Government of India announced a significant extension to one of its flagship urban development initiatives. The Smart Cities Mission, originally set to conclude on June 30, 2024, will now continue until March 31, 2025. This extension marks a crucial phase in India’s journey towards creating technologically advanced and livable urban spaces.

The Smart Cities Vision

Launch and Objectives

The Smart Cities Mission was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on June 25, 2015. This visionary project aims to revolutionize urban living in India by focusing on three key areas:

  1. Providing core infrastructure
  2. Creating a clean and sustainable environment
  3. Ensuring a decent quality of life for citizens

The mission’s unique approach involves applying ‘smart solutions’ to urban challenges, leveraging technology to improve city services and citizen experiences.

Selection and Scale

In a nationwide competition, 100 cities were chosen to be part of this transformative journey. The selection process, conducted in two stages, ensured a diverse representation of urban centers across India.

Uttar Pradesh leads with 13 smart cities, followed closely by Tamil Nadu with 12, and Maharashtra with 10. This distribution highlights the mission’s commitment to balanced regional development.

Funding: A Collaborative Approach

Central Government’s Commitment

The Smart Cities Mission operates as a centrally sponsored scheme. The central government pledged a substantial Rs 48,000 crore over five years, translating to an average of Rs 100 crore per city per year.

State and Local Contributions

To ensure shared responsibility and commitment, state governments and urban local bodies are required to provide matching contributions. This collaborative funding model encourages local involvement and ownership of the projects.

Implementation Strategy

The mission adopts an innovative approach to project implementation:

  • Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) are created by urban local bodies to manage projects
  • Emphasis on Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) to leverage private sector expertise and resources

Progress and Extension: The Road Ahead

Achievements So Far

As of July 3, 2024, the Smart Cities Mission has made significant strides:

  • 7,188 projects completed across 100 cities
  • Total value of completed projects: Rs 1,44,237 crore

Ongoing Projects

  • 830 projects in advanced stages of completion
  • Value of ongoing projects: Rs 19,926 crore

Financial Status

The central government has released Rs 46,585 crore of the allocated funds, demonstrating its commitment to the mission’s success.

Reasons for Extension

The extension until March 31, 2025, was granted in response to requests from state governments. This decision reflects the government’s dedication to ensuring the successful completion of all sanctioned projects.

Key Points of the Extension

  1. No new projects will be sanctioned
  2. Focus on completing existing projects on a priority basis
  3. Remaining funds to be released to state governments for ongoing projects
  4. State governments must complete all work by the new deadline

The Way Forward

Under the leadership of Union Minister for Housing and Urban Affairs, Manohar Lal Khattar, the Smart Cities Mission enters its final phase. This extension provides an opportunity to:

  1. Consolidate the gains made so far
  2. Address challenges and delays in ongoing projects
  3. Ensure the full realization of the smart city vision in all 100 selected cities

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24th Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Summit: Key Highlights

The 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) took place on July 4, 2024, in Astana, Kazakhstan. This important gathering brought together leaders from various countries to discuss regional cooperation and security issues.

Host and Venue

  • Host: Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
  • Location: Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan

Notable Attendees

Several world leaders participated in the summit, including:

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin
  • Chinese President Xi Jinping
  • Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif
  • UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres

India’s Representation

  • Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi did not attend the summit
  • India was represented by External Affairs Minister Dr. S Jaishankar

Key Developments

1. Belarus Joins SCO

  • Belarus was admitted as the 10th full member of the SCO
  • Previously, Belarus held observer status in the organization

2. Focus on Combating Terrorism

  • Dr. Jaishankar read Prime Minister Modi’s address at the summit
  • Modi emphasized that terrorism in any form cannot be justified
  • He called for decisive action against cross-border terrorism
  • The Prime Minister stressed the need to counter terrorism financing and recruitment

3. SCO Expansion

  • The SCO was originally established in 2001 with five members
  • India and Pakistan joined in 2017
  • Iran became the 9th member in 2023
  • Belarus is now the 10th member as of 2024

Looking Ahead: 25th SCO Summit

  • The next SCO Council of Heads of State Meeting will be held in China
  • China has taken over the rotating presidency of the SCO from Kazakhstan
  • The Chinese city of Qingdao has been named the SCO’s tourism and cultural capital for 2024-2025

About the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation


  • The SCO is an intergovernmental organization focused on regional security and cooperation


  • Some analysts worry that the SCO is becoming an anti-Western alliance led by China and Russia
  • This may be one reason why Prime Minister Modi chose not to attend the summit


  • The Council of Heads of States is the SCO’s highest decision-making body
  • It meets once a year

Key Facts

  • Headquarters: Beijing, China
  • Permanent Members: 10 countries (including the latest addition, Belarus)
  • Observer Members: Afghanistan and Mongolia

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Indian Government Reshuffles Cabinet Committees in July 2024

On July 3, 2024, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government reorganized eight important groups within the Union Cabinet. This happened after Modi was sworn in as Prime Minister for the third time in a row, which is a record.

What are Cabinet Committees?

Cabinet Committees are small groups of ministers who work on specific areas of government. They help make decisions and manage different parts of the government’s work.

Key Points About the New Cabinet Committees

  • There are 72 members in the Union Council of Ministers, including Prime Minister Modi.
  • 31 of these members are Cabinet-rank ministers.
  • These Cabinet ministers are part of the newly formed committees.
  • Prime Minister Modi leads most of the committees, but not all.

The Eight Cabinet Committees

1. Appointments Committee of the Cabinet

  • Members: Prime Minister Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah
  • Purpose: Makes decisions about important government appointments

2. Cabinet Committee on Security

  • Key members: Prime Minister Modi, Defence Minister, Home Minister, Finance Minister, and External Affairs Minister
  • Purpose: Deals with matters related to national security

3. Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs

  • Led by: Prime Minister Modi
  • Includes: Ministers of Defence, Home Affairs, Finance, Agriculture, and others
  • Purpose: Handles important economic matters

4. Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs

  • Headed by: Prime Minister Modi
  • Members: Several key ministers including Defence, Home Affairs, and Finance
  • Purpose: Manages political issues and strategies

5. Cabinet Committee on Investment and Growth

  • Led by: Prime Minister Modi
  • Includes: Ministers of Finance, Road Transport, Railways, and others
  • Purpose: Focuses on boosting investment and economic growth

6. Cabinet Committee on Skill, Employment and Livelihood

  • Notable absence: Prime Minister Modi is not a member
  • Key members: Ministers of Defence, Home Affairs, Education, and Labour
  • Purpose: Works on improving skills, creating jobs, and enhancing livelihoods

7. Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs

  • Notable absence: Prime Minister Modi is not a member
  • Led by: Defence Minister Rajnath Singh
  • Purpose: Manages government business in Parliament

8. Cabinet Committee on Accommodation

  • Headed by: Home Minister Amit Shah
  • Includes: Ministers of Finance, Housing, and Urban Affairs
  • Purpose: Deals with housing and accommodation for government officials

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Russia Approves 2033 Completion Plan for New Orbital Station

Russia has approved the schedule for the creation of a Russian orbital station by 2033. The schedule includes the design and construction of the space modules, flight tests of a new-generation manned spaceship, the creation of launch vehicles and space infrastructure on Earth, and a timetable for the work of scientific institutes supporting the project.

Initial and three more modules

The agency confirmed plans to launch an initial scientific and energy module in 2027. It said three more modules would be added by 2030 and a further two between 2031 and 2033. Russia has until now partnered with the United States and other countries on the International Space Station, one of the few areas where it still collaborates closely with the US given the dire state of relations since its invasion of Ukraine.

Participation until 2028

With the ISS approaching the end of its operational life, Moscow announced plans in 2022 to pull out of the project and build its own station. It initially said it would quit the ISS after 2024 but told its partners last year it would extend its participation until 2028. Apart from the design and manufacture of the modules, Roscomos said the schedule approved by Borisov includes flight-testing a new-generation crewed spacecraft and building rockets and ground-based infrastructure.

Space Program since cold war

The new station will enable Russia to “solve problems of scientific and technological development, national economy and national security that are not available on the Russian segment of the ISS due to technological limitations and the terms of international agreements”, it said. Russia has prided itself on its space programme since the Cold War, when Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person to travel into space in 1961. But it suffered a major setback last year with the failure of its first lunar mission in 47 years, when its uncrewed spacecraft spun out of control and smashed into the surface of the moon.


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