India’s Dipika Pallikal and Harinder Pal Sandhu won the gold medal in the mixed doubles squash tournament at the Asian Games 2023 in Hangzhou, the People’s Republic of China. Dipika Pallikal and Harinder Pal Sandhu defeated Malaysia’s Aifa Azman-Mohd Syafiq Kamal 2-0 (11-10, 11-10) in the mixed doubles final. This is the first time a squash mixed doubles tournament has featured at the Asian Games.
Aifa Azman and Mohd Syafiq Kamal, both gold medallists in team events at the Asian Games, began aggressively and didn’t let the Indian pair settle. Pallikal and Sandhu struggled with their returns as Azman-Kamal raced to a 10-8 lead.
India has made its mark at the Asian Games 2023, achieving its best-ever medal tally in the history of the tournament. As of October 5, India has won a total of 84 medals, with 21 gold medals, 31 silver medals and 32 bronze medals.