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Birth certificate to be single document for Aadhaar, driving license, jobs from next month

The Union Ministry of Home Affairs has unveiled a noteworthy modification in the utilization of birth certificates for essential services, set to take effect on October 1, 2023. These alterations, driven by the Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Act, 2023, are designed to enhance the efficiency and transparency of public service delivery.

Key Changes in the Act

  • National Birth and Death Registry: The Act establishes a national registry of births and deaths under the supervision of the Registrar General of India. State-level Chief Registrars and Registrars will also maintain similar databases.
  • Reporting Requirements: Previously, specific individuals, like medical officers, were responsible for reporting births and deaths. Now, the list of reporters has expanded. It includes adoptive parents for non-institutional adoptions, biological parents for births through surrogacy, and single parents or unwed mothers for their child’s birth.
  • Sharing Data: The Act permits the sharing of the national database with authorized authorities, like population registers and electoral rolls, with central government approval. Similarly, state databases can be shared with state-approved authorities.
  • Appeals Process: If anyone disagrees with a Registrar or District Registrar’s action or order, they can appeal to the respective District Registrar or Chief Registrar within 30 days of receiving the order. The decision on the appeal must be made within 90 days.

How Birth Certificates Will Be Used

  • Admission to Educational Institutions: From October 1, you’ll need your birth certificate for school and college admissions.
  • Driving License: When applying for a driving license, your birth certificate will be a necessary document.
  • Voter List Preparation: Birth certificates will play a role in the preparation of voter lists.
  • Aadhaar Number: Obtaining an Aadhaar number will require your birth certificate as a supporting document.
  • Marriage Registration: Registering your marriage will also involve providing your birth certificate.
  • Government Job Appointments: If you’re looking to secure a government job, your birth certificate will be a vital document.

Parliament’s Approval

  • Both houses of Parliament, the Rajya Sabha, and the Lok Sabha passed the Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Bill, 2023 during the Monsoon Session.
  • The Rajya Sabha approved the bill on August 7, while the Lok Sabha did so on August 1.

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Birth certificate to be single document for Aadhaar, driving license, jobs from next month_4.1

Birth certificate to be single document for Aadhaar, driving license, jobs from next month_5.1

Birth certificate to be single document for Aadhaar, driving license, jobs from next month_6.1