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I-STEM To Launch ‘Samavesha’ At IISc Bengaluru To Enhance Research Collaboration


The Indian Science, Technology, and Engineering facilities Map, known as I-STEM, is set to embark on a groundbreaking initiative named ‘Samavesha.’ This ambitious project, spearheaded by the Office of Principal Scientific Advisor, Government of India, aims to transform research collaboration in the country by facilitating easier access to scientific facilities and laboratories.

Launch Event at IISc, Bengaluru

The inauguration ceremony of ‘Samavesha’ is scheduled to take place at the prestigious Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bengaluru. The project’s core objective is to optimize the utilization of research resources on a nationwide scale. In 2024, I-STEM plans to conduct approximately 50 ‘Samavesha’ events across India.

Connecting Researchers through an Online Portal

One of the pivotal aspects of the project is the establishment of an online portal that will connect researchers and industries with scientific institutes. Through the I-STEM Portal, individuals seeking advanced scientific equipment can seamlessly connect with institutions possessing the desired equipment, enabling them to rent it for their experiments.

Vision of I-STEM

The overarching vision of I-STEM is to foster a future where a million New-Age researchers with innovative ideas are seamlessly linked to a network of 10,000 cutting-edge labs across India. By 2024, I-STEM aims not only to connect individuals with equipment but also to cultivate a collaborative ecosystem where startups, industries, and academia collectively contribute to the next wave of innovation.

Economic Benefits and Resource Optimization

This collaborative approach eliminates the prohibitive capital expenditure associated with purchasing advanced equipment. On a national level, it prevents the duplication of resources within research institutions, leading to more efficient resource utilization.

Importance of ‘Samavesha’

Dr. Harilal Bhaskar, Chief Operating Officer and National Coordinator at I-STEM, emphasizes the significance of ‘Samavesha’ by stating, “Samavesha unlocks the missing ingredient – seamless connections, shared resources, and a nationwide research surge. From hidden labs to groundbreaking landmarks, Samavesha empowers minds, unites forces, and builds a future of collaborative breakthroughs.”

Objectives and Future Impact

The primary objective is to provide New Age Researchers, startups, and industries across India with access to advanced and expensive research infrastructure, fostering innovation. I-STEM envisions a future where researchers have unparalleled access to cutting-edge facilities, leading to a surge in research and indigenous product innovation.

Anticipated Impact of ‘Samavesha’

1) Increased Indigenous Product Innovation: Collaborative synergy is expected to significantly boost innovation.
2) Knowledge Exchange Ecosystem: ‘Samavesha’ seeks to create a thriving knowledge exchange environment, driving research and development.
3) National Advancements: Breaking down access barriers, the event aspires to make India a hub for groundbreaking discoveries and homegrown advancements.

Important Questions Related to Exams

1. Where is the launch event of ‘Samavesha’ scheduled to take place?

2. What is the main objective of the ‘Samavesha’ project?

3. What does the I-STEM Portal aim to connect researchers and industries with?

Kindly share your responses in the comment section.

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