India will host the first-ever World Audio Visual Entertainment Summit (WAVES) from February 5-9, 2024. Announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his ‘Mann ki Baat’ radio address, this global event will position India as a hub for world-class content creation and creative collaboration. Inspired by international events like the World Economic Forum in Davos, WAVES is expected to bring leaders from media, entertainment, and creative industries worldwide to New Delhi.
Key Highlights
Event Overview
- Name: World Audio Visual Entertainment Summit (WAVES).
- Dates: February 5-9, 2024.
- Venue: New Delhi, India.
- Purpose: To showcase India’s creative talent and position it as a global hub for content creation.
PM Modi’s Address
- Emphasized WAVES as a landmark initiative for India’s entertainment and creative industries.
- Encouraged participation from creators in Bollywood, regional cinema, TV, animation, gaming, and entertainment technology.
Significance of Waves
- Aims to foster collaborations and partnerships between global and Indian creative professionals.
- Focuses on making India a leading player in the creator economy, contributing to its $5 trillion economy goal.
- Reflects the dynamic spirit and potential of young creators in India.
Comparison to Global Events
- WAVES likened to the World Economic Forum for its potential to attract global attention and influence.
Tributes to Indian Cinema Legends
- Celebrated the 100th birth anniversaries of,
- Raj Kapoor: Recognized for showcasing India’s soft power through cinema.
- Mohammed Rafi: Honored for his timeless voice and contributions to music.
Acknowledged The Contributions of
- Akkineni Nageswara Rao: Elevated Telugu cinema and reflected Indian traditions.
- Tapan Sinha: Known for socially conscious films inspiring unity and awareness.
Technological Advancements
- Highlights India’s progress in,
- Animation and gaming.
- Entertainment technology.
- Regional and mainstream cinema.
Summary/Static | Details |
Why in the news? | India To Host First Waves Summit in February 2025 |
Event Name | World Audio Visual Entertainment Summit (WAVES). |
Date and Venue | February 5-9, 2024; New Delhi, India. |
Objective | Showcase India’s creative talent and foster global collaborations in content creation. |
Inspiration | Modeled after global events like the World Economic Forum in Davos. |
Key Focus Area | Animation, gaming, entertainment technology, regional and mainstream cinema. |
PM Modi’s Message | Encouraged participation of creators from Bollywood, regional cinema, TV, and other creative industries; emphasized youth’s role in the creator economy. |
Tributes | Honored Raj Kapoor, Mohammed Rafi, Akkineni Nageswara Rao, and Tapan Sinha for their contributions to Indian cinema and cultural heritage. |
Economic Significance | Supports India’s vision of a $5 trillion economy by bolstering the creator economy. |