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International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism 2024

The International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism serves as a solemn reminder of the ongoing global challenge posed by terrorism. This day, observed annually on August 21st, aims to honour and support the victims and survivors of terrorist acts while promoting the protection of their human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The Impact of Terrorism

Widespread Harm

Terrorism continues to be a global scourge, with acts of terror propagating a wide range of hateful ideologies. These actions result in:

  • Injuries to thousands of innocent people
  • Psychological harm to survivors and communities
  • Loss of life on a significant scale

Challenges Faced by Victims

Despite international condemnation of terrorism, victims and survivors often face numerous challenges:

  1. Struggle for Recognition: Their voices are frequently unheard in the aftermath of attacks.
  2. Inadequate Support: Many victims find their needs are not sufficiently addressed.
  3. Rights Violations: The rights of terrorism victims are often overlooked or not fully upheld.
  4. Feeling Forgotten: As media attention fades, victims may feel neglected, leading to profound emotional and psychological consequences.

Long-term Support Needs

Resource Limitations

Many Member States lack the necessary resources and capacity to address the medium and long-term needs of terrorism victims. This deficiency hampers victims’ ability to:

  • Fully recover from their experiences
  • Rehabilitate both physically and mentally
  • Reintegrate into society effectively

Multidimensional Support Requirements

Most victims require comprehensive, long-term support across various dimensions:

  • Physical: Medical care and rehabilitation
  • Psychological: Mental health services and counseling
  • Social: Community reintegration programs
  • Financial: Economic assistance and compensation

Responsibilities and Roles

Member States’ Primary Duty

Member States bear the primary responsibility for:

  • Supporting victims of terrorism
  • Upholding the rights of those affected by terrorist acts

United Nations’ Role

The United Nations plays a crucial supporting role in several ways:

  1. Solidarity: Standing with and providing support to victims of terrorism
  2. Capacity Building: Offering assistance to enhance Member States’ capabilities
  3. Networking: Establishing connections between various stakeholders
  4. Civil Society Support: Offering aid to organizations, particularly victims’ associations
  5. Advocacy: Encouraging Member States to promote, protect, and respect victims’ rights

International Day Establishment

UN General Assembly Resolution

The International Day was established through UN General Assembly Resolution 72/165 in 2017. This resolution set August 21st as the annual date for commemoration.

UN System Progress

Secretary-General’s Report

In April 2020, UN Secretary-General António Guterres published a report titled “Progress of the UN system to support Member States in assisting victims of terrorism” (A/74/790). This report emphasized the need for enhanced international cooperation in assisting terrorism victims.

Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy

Biennial Review Resolutions

Member States have consistently emphasized the importance of victims in counter-terrorism efforts through biennial reviews of the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. These reviews highlight:

  • The role of victims in countering terrorism
  • Promotion of international solidarity
  • Prevention of violent extremism
  • Recognition and upholding of victims’ human rights
  • Support for victims’ distinct needs

Recent Developments

Sixth Strategy Review (2018) Onwards

Since 2018, there has been a shift from symbolic solidarity to more robust engagement in advancing victims’ rights and needs. Key developments include:

  1. Establishment of the Group of Friends of Victims of Terrorism in 2019
  2. Adoption of General Assembly resolution A/RES/73/305 on enhancing international cooperation to assist terrorism victims

Eighth Review Resolution (June 2023)

The most recent review resolution (A/RES/77/298) emphasized:

  • Upholding rights and supporting needs of terrorism victims
  • Special focus on women, children, and those affected by sexual and gender-based violence
  • Encouragement for Member States to develop national comprehensive assistance plans

United Nations Global Congress of Victims of Terrorism

The first such congress was held in September 2022 at UN Headquarters, marking a significant step in global recognition and support for terrorism victims.

Ongoing Initiatives

UN Office of Counter-Terrorism

The resolution encourages the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism to continue its efforts through:

  1. Global Victims of Terrorism Support Programme
  2. United Nations Victims of Terrorism Support Portal

These initiatives aim to:

  • Raise awareness about terrorism victims
  • Promote and protect victims’ rights
  • Strengthen Member States’ capacity to assist victims
  • Enhance engagement with civil society and private sector organizations

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