India’s badminton star, Lakshya Sen, showcased his talent with an impressive third-place finish at the inaugural King Cup International Badminton Open held in Bangkok, Thailand. The 23-year-old from Almora defeated French rising star Alex Lanier in the bronze-medal playoff. Despite a narrow loss in the semifinals, Lakshya’s strong performance underlined his consistency and resilience on the international stage.
Key Highlights of Lakshya Sen’s Performance
- Event: Inaugural King Cup International Badminton Open
- Venue: Bangkok, Thailand
- Achievement: Secured third place
Semi Finals
- Opponent: Hu Zhe’an (China), reigning World Junior Champion
- Result: Lost in straight games 19-21, 19-21 in a tightly contested match
Bronze Medal Match
- Opponent: Alex Lanier (France)
- Scoreline: Won 21-17, 21-11
- Gained an early 6-1 lead in the first game.
- Faced a comeback from Lanier, who leveled at 10-10 but eventually won the opening game with a decisive 18-15 run.
- Dominated the second game, extending leads from 8-6 to 15-8 and closing with nine match points.
Prize and Recognition
- Prize Money: Approximately ₹36 lakh
- Significance: Continued his form as one of India’s leading shuttlers on the international circuit.
Summary/Static | Details |
Why in the news? | Lakshya Sen Secures Third Place at King Cup |
Event | King Cup International Badminton Open |
Venue | Bangkok, Thailand |
Placement | Third Place |
Semifinal Opponent | Hu Zhe’an (China) |
Semifinal Result | Lost 19-21, 19-21 |
Bronze Match Opponent | Alex Lanier (France) |
Bronze Match Result | Won 21-17, 21-11 |
Prize Money | ₹36 lakh |
Age | 23 |
Notable Achievement | Overcame a tough loss to secure a podium finish |