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National safety day celebrated on 4 March across India

National safety day celebrated on 4 March across India_4.1

National Safety Day is celebrated on 4 March to commemorate the foundation of the National Safety Council to raise awareness about the safety measures to prevent mishaps and accidents due to lack of awareness. The Campaign is aimed at renewing the commitment of employees and the general public to work safely throughout the year. The ultimate objective of the Campaign is to ensure integration of OSH in work culture and lifestyle.


  • Ensure that safety and health are integrated into work culture and lifestyle.
  • Renew the commitment of the employees towards safety and health at the workplace.
  • Achieve greater participation of the employees in OSH activities.

History of National Safety Council of India:

The Ministry of Labour, Government of India set up the National Safety Council of India (NSC) on 4 March 1966. To develop and sustain the movement on SHE that is focusing on safety, Health and Environment at the national level. Basically, NSC is an autonomous body. Therefore, the foundation day of the National Safety Council was decided to observe as National Safety Day in 1972. It was also decided to celebrate it as National Safety Week (NSW) Campaign that will last for one week.

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National safety day celebrated on 4 March across India_5.1

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