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Neelakantha Bhanu Prakash bags Gold Medal in MCWC

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Hyderabad’s, Neelakantha Bhanu Prakash Jonnalagadda has bagged the first-ever Gold Medal for India in Mental Calculations World Cup (MCWC) by Mind Sports Olympiad (MSO). He has created a new All-Time Record and has beaten the records of Math Maestros like Shakuntala Devi and Scott Flansburg.

Bhanu Prakash had secured the gold medal with a score of 167, Lebanese contender Mohammed El Mir secured the Silver Medal with a score 102 and Asmita Pal from the UAE bagged the Bronze medal with a score of 100 points.

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About Neelakantha Bhanu Prakash Jonnalagadda:

Twenty-Year old Neelakantha Bhanu Prakash is a student of Mathematics (Honors) at Delhi University’s St Stephen College and holds 4 World Records and 50 Limca records for being the fastest human calculator in the world.

About MSO:

The MSO is an international event with over 60 different board game competitions ranging from classics like Chess, Scrabble and 7 Wonders. It was first held in 1998.

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