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Scotland becomes first nation to make period products available to everyone

Local governments of Scotland are now required by law of Scotland to offer free sanitary products (Period Products) like tampons and pads to anyone who needs them. As the Period Products Act takes effect in Scotland, goods will be supplied through councils and educational institutions. The Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill was unanimously approved by MSPs in November 2020. Labour MSP Monica Lennon, who has been working to eradicate period poverty since 2016, introduced the bill.

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Scotland make period products available to everyone: Key Points

  • Period poverty occurs when people with low means are unable to get or buy appropriate period products in Scotland.
  • Average periods last roughly five days, and tampons and pads can cost up to £8 per month in Scotland, which some women find difficult to pay.
  • According to Georgie Nicholson of the social initiative Hey Girls, period supplies ought to be available in public restrooms on a par with toilet paper.
  • Period poverty may be explained simply, according to Ms. Nicolson, by going to the store and having to decide between buying a box of tampons or a bag of pasta. It’s that simple.
  • About one in four respondents at Scotland schools, colleges, and universities who participated in a Young Scot survey of more than 2,000 people in 2018 reported having trouble getting access to period products.

Scotland: Government makes history

  • The Scotland government made history that year when it became the first in the world to provide pupils with free period supplies.
  • Another Young Scotland poll conducted after the program’s inception revealed that two-thirds of respondents had gotten complimentary period goods from their school, college, or university in the previous year.
  • 84% of people who used the free products stated the programme had a good effect on them in Scotland.

Necessity of Period Products

  • In addition to period poverty, studies claim that period stigma affects young girls, with the majority of them feeling ashamed when purchasing menstrual goods.
  • The law also intends to address the impact on schooling, since 64% of girls polled in the UK reported missing school as a result of their period.
  • According to research, 34% of people were concerned about leaking, 13% had missed a complete school day at least once each month, and 22% reported anxiety related to their periods.

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