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US, Japan, and South Korea Collaborate on India’s Digital Infrastructure

The United States, Japan, and South Korea have jointly announced the Digital Infrastructure Growth Initiative for India (DiGi Framework), marking a new chapter in digital infrastructure support for India. The DiGi Framework, formalized on October 25, 2024, was signed by US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), and Korea Eximbank. It targets key technological advancements in India, including 5G, Open RAN, submarine cables, optical fiber networks, data centers, smart cities, e-commerce, AI, and quantum technology.

Streamlined Collaboration Process

The DiGi Framework provides a streamlined approach for these financial institutions to partner with Indian private sectors, facilitating easier access to financing for strategic digital infrastructure. This unified process is also designed to encourage productive policy dialogues between the involved countries and India’s government to optimize private sector funding.

Strengthening Indo-Pacific Connectivity and Development

DFC CEO Scott Nathan emphasized that the initiative is a step toward sustainable development in the Indo-Pacific, aligning with goals from the US-Japan-ROK trilateral summit and a March 2024 memorandum among the organizations. JBIC Governor Nobumitsu Hayashi and Korea Eximbank CEO Hee-sung Yoon highlighted that the DiGi Framework reflects shared ambitions and is aligned with the economic agendas of their respective governments. This framework underscores the commitment of the US, Japan, and South Korea to support India’s vision for high-quality digital infrastructure, leveraging private capital for sustainable growth.

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