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UVC-based disinfection cabinet developed by ARCI & Mekins


A UVC-based Cabinet has been co-developed by the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI) and the MEKINS Industries. The UVC-based Cabinet will disinfect non-critical hospital items, laboratory wear, and PPEs in order to prevent surface contamination of COVID 19. The cabinet will also have the capability to disinfect items that have been exhibited to customers in commercial establishments and several domestic items.

With relaxation of the lockdown, there is a chance of transmission through surface contamination and hence the common utilities will play a key role in such situation. Therefore, the best way to tackle this transmission is by using a dry and chemical-free rapid disinfection through exposure to UVC light.

About UVC-based Cabinet:

The UVC disinfection cabinet comprises of 4 UVC lamps of 30W (on sides) and 2 lamps of 15 W (top and bottom) and hence provides a flux sufficient to disinfect articles placed in shelves which are segregated by metal grilled frames to permit sufficient light from all sides. The cabinet can disinfect all the placed articles within 10 minutes.

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