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Volvo to Issue World’s First EV Battery Passport ahead of EU Rules

Volvo Cars announces the debut of the world’s first EV battery passport, which meticulously documents the lineage of raw materials, components, recycled content, and carbon footprint for its forthcoming flagship EX90 SUV, ahead of the EU rules. Volvo owners can access a simplified version of the passport using a QR code on the inside of the driver’s door.

About EV Battery Passport

The EV battery passport is a result of a collaboration between Volvo and UK-based startup Circulor, which uses blockchain technology to map supply chains for companies. Circular’s operations on battery passports predate the European Commission’s first proposal for a New Battery Regulation in 2020. The EU requires that such passports should be available for all EVs sold in the region from February 2027 onward.

Objective behind having an EV Battery Passport

The objective behind having an EV battery passport for the EX90, according to VOLVO, is to increase awareness and improve transparency around such vehicles. It’s really important for us to be a pioneer and a leader. It has also been confirmed that manufacturing of the EX90 with the battery passport will commence shortly at the company facility in South Carolina in the United State and that delivers for customers in North America and Europe will start from later this year. Customers will be able to access the battery passport by scanning a QR code. A comprehensive version of the passport will also be made available to the regulators.

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