T20 World Cup 2024 Final Date, Location, Timing and Stadium Name


The T20 World Cup is one of the most eagerly awaited events in the cricketing calendar. It brings together the best teams from around the world to compete for the coveted title. The 2024 edition of the T20 World Cup promises to be an exciting tournament, with thrilling matches and outstanding performances. One of the most anticipated aspects of the tournament is the final match. In this article, we will provide detailed information about the T20 World Cup 2024 final, including the date, location, timing, and stadium name.

T20 World Cup 2024 Final Date

The final match of the T20 World Cup 2024 is scheduled to take place on June 29, 2024. This date has been carefully chosen to accommodate the schedules of participating teams and to ensure maximum viewership.

T20 World Cup 2024 Final Location

The location for the final match of the T20 World Cup 2024 is the beautiful and vibrant city of Kensington Oval, Bridgetown, Barbados. Melbourne is renowned for its rich sporting culture and has hosted numerous prestigious events in the past, making it an ideal location for the T20 World Cup final.

T20 World Cup 2024 Timing of the Final Match

The final match is set to begin at 8:00 PM local time. This prime-time slot ensures that fans in Australia and other parts of the world can enjoy the match during convenient viewing hours. The timing also allows for optimal playing conditions under the lights, enhancing the overall experience for players and spectators alike.

T20 World Cup 2024 Stadium Name

The final match will be held at the iconic Kensington Oval. It has a rich history and has been the venue for many memorable cricket matches. The atmosphere at the MCG during the final is expected to be electric, with passionate fans cheering for their favorite teams.

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Which City is Know as Perfume Capital of India?

Kannauj, a small city in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, India, has earned the prestigious title of the “Perfume Capital of India.” This city, with its rich history and cultural heritage, has been synonymous with the production of attar (also known as ittar), a traditional form of perfume, for centuries. Kannauj’s unique geographical location, traditional distillation methods, and the dedication of its perfumers make it a fascinating place, where the art of making fragrances has been perfected and preserved.

Historical Background

Ancient Roots

Kannauj’s association with perfumery dates back over a thousand years. The city was once a major center for trade and commerce during the reign of the Gupta Empire and later under the rule of Harsha. Historical records indicate that Kannauj was famous for its perfumes as early as the 7th century.

Mughal Influence

The Mughal era was a golden period for Kannauj’s perfume industry. The Mughal emperors, known for their love of luxury and fine scents, patronized Kannauj’s perfumers. Empress Nur Jahan, wife of Emperor Jahangir, was particularly fond of Kannauj’s attars. The Mughal influence introduced Persian techniques and ingredients, enhancing the quality and diversity of the fragrances produced.

The Art of Making Attar

Traditional Distillation Process

The production of attar in Kannauj follows an age-old distillation process known as “deg-bhapka.” This method involves the use of copper stills (deg) and receivers (bhapka). The process begins with the collection of fresh flowers, herbs, and spices, which are then distilled using steam. The vaporized essential oils are captured and condensed, resulting in the creation of pure, concentrated attar.

Natural Ingredients

One of the key factors that set Kannauj attars apart is the use of natural ingredients. Roses, jasmine, sandalwood, vetiver, and saffron are some of the primary ingredients used. The region’s unique soil and climate conditions contribute to the distinct fragrance profiles of these raw materials. For instance, the roses grown in Kannauj are renowned for their exceptional scent.

Sustainable Practices

Kannauj’s perfumers have traditionally adhered to sustainable practices. The use of natural, locally sourced ingredients minimizes the environmental impact. Additionally, the distillation process is energy-efficient, relying on firewood and water as primary resources.

Varieties of Kannauj Attars

Rose Attar

Rose attar, also known as “Gulab Attar,” is perhaps the most famous variety produced in Kannauj. It is made from the petals of Rosa damascena and Rosa centifolia. The delicate, sweet aroma of rose attar has made it a favorite among royalty and common folk alike.

Jasmine Attar

Jasmine attar, or “Kewda Attar,” is another popular variety. It is derived from the flowers of Jasminum grandiflorum and Jasminum sambac. Known for its intense, exotic fragrance, jasmine attar is often used in traditional rituals and religious ceremonies.

Vetiver Attar

Vetiver attar, also known as “Khus Attar,” is made from the roots of Vetiveria zizanioides. It has a rich, earthy aroma with cooling properties, making it a popular choice in the hot and humid climate of India.

Sandalwood Attar

Sandalwood attar, or “Chandan Attar,” is derived from the heartwood of Santalum album. It has a warm, woody scent that is both soothing and long-lasting. Sandalwood attar is often used as a base for blending other fragrances.

Economic and Cultural Significance

Livelihoods and Economy

The perfume industry in Kannauj plays a crucial role in the local economy. Thousands of families are involved in the cultivation of flowers, distillation of attars, and packaging of perfumes. The industry’s demand for skilled labor ensures employment for artisans and workers, contributing to the region’s economic stability.

Cultural Heritage

The art of making attar is deeply embedded in Kannauj’s cultural fabric. The knowledge and skills associated with perfumery are passed down through generations. Festivals and local events often celebrate the city’s rich heritage, with perfumers showcasing their craft.

Challenges and Opportunities

Modernization and Competition

In recent years, Kannauj’s perfume industry has faced challenges from modern synthetic fragrances and international competition. The influx of cheap, mass-produced perfumes has impacted the demand for traditional attars. However, there is a growing trend towards natural and organic products, which presents an opportunity for Kannauj to reclaim its market share.

Preservation of Tradition

Efforts are being made to preserve and promote the traditional art of attar making. Government initiatives, collaborations with educational institutions, and support from non-governmental organizations aim to safeguard the heritage of Kannauj’s perfumery. Training programs and workshops are conducted to encourage young artisans to continue the legacy.

Global Recognition and Market

Export Potential

Kannauj attars have a significant export potential. The unique, natural fragrances appeal to international markets, especially in countries where natural and organic products are in high demand. The “Kannauj Attar” brand is gaining recognition globally, with efforts to secure geographical indication (GI) status for its products.

Luxury and Niche Markets

The luxury fragrance market presents a lucrative opportunity for Kannauj’s attars. High-end brands and niche perfumers are increasingly seeking unique, natural ingredients for their products. Kannauj attars, with their rich history and exquisite quality, are well-positioned to cater to this segment.

Future Prospects

Innovation and Diversification

To sustain and grow its perfumery industry, Kannauj must embrace innovation and diversification. Experimenting with new fragrance blends, packaging designs, and marketing strategies can attract a broader audience. Collaborations with international perfumers and brands can also help introduce Kannauj attars to new markets.

Promoting Tourism

Kannauj has the potential to become a major tourist destination. Promoting the city as the “Perfume Capital of India” can attract visitors interested in experiencing the traditional art of attar making. Developing perfume museums, workshops, and guided tours can enhance the tourism experience and generate additional revenue for the local economy.

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Lt Gen NS Raja Subramani as The Next Vice Chief of Army Staff

Lt Gen NS Raja Subramani is set to be the next Vice Chief of Army Staff with the government clearing his appointment to the post, official sources said on June 20. The officer, who is presently helming the Army’s Central Command, will succeed Lt Gen Upendra Dwivedi. Lt Gen Dwivedi, currently serving as the Vice Chief, will be the next Chief of the Army Staff when incumbent Gen Manoj Pande retires on June 30.

About Lt Gen NS Raja Subramani

An alumnus of National Defence Academy and Indian Military Academy, the officer also attended the Joint Services Command Staff College, Bracknell (the UK) and National Defence College, New Delhi. He holds a Master of Arts Degree from King’s College, London and an MPhil in Defence Studies from Madras University.

His military career

Lt Gen Subramani has a distinguished and illustrious military career spanning more than 37 years. Lt Gen Subramani has the distinction of commanding a battalion during ‘Operation Rhino’ in Assam, an infantry brigade along the International Boundary with Pakistan and a ‘Black Cat‘ division in Northeast India. He also commanded Uttar Bharat Area in 2020 and the premier Kharga Corps at Ambala. Lt Gen Subramani also held a number of key positions including that of a brigade major of a mountain brigade, assistant military secretary in the Military Secretary Branch, Colonel General Staff at headquarters Eastern Command, deputy director general of Military Intelligence in the Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defence and Brigadier General Staff in Eastern Command. In appointing Lt Gen Subramani as the Vice Chief of the Army, the government followed the seniority principle. Lt Gen Subramani was commissioned into the Garhwal Rifles in 1985.

About Vice chief of army staff(VCOAS)

The Vice Chief of the Army Staff (VCOAS) is a statutory position in the Indian Armed Forces usually held by a three star lieutenant general. As the second highest-ranking officer to serve in the Indian Army, the VCOAS is the deputy professional head of the Indian Army and a senior adviser to the Minister of Defence. The office holder is usually the second most senior army officer unless the Chief of Defence is an army officer. Eleven of the forty Vice Chiefs have gone on to head the Indian Army as the Chief of the Army Staff. The current VCOAS is Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi who assumed the office on 19 February 2024.


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Rohit Sharma Becomes First Batter to Hit 200 Sixes in T20Is

Rohit Sharma became the first player to hit 200 sixes in T20Is during the T20 World Cup 2024 Super Eight Group 1 match against Australia at the Daren Sammy National Cricket Stadium in St. Lucia on June 24. Rohit struck a 41-ball 92 and hit eight sixes in the innings, taking his overall tally to 203 maximums in the shortest format of the game.

Rohit enters record books

As mentioned, Rohit has become the first-ever batter to record 200 sixes in T20I cricket. Only one other batter has more than 150 maximums in the format. New Zealand’s Martin Guptill follows Rohit with 173 T20I sixes. Among Indians, only Surya Kumar Yadav (129) and Virat Kohli (121) has over 100 sixes in T20I cricket.

Rohit has over 600 international sixes

Earlier this month, Rohit completed 600 sixes in international cricket. The 37-year-old got to this feat in his 52-run knock against Ireland in New York. Rohit became the first-ever player to smack 600 sixes across formats. Chris Gayle, who played his last international game in 2021, remains the only other player to have slammed over 500 maximums (553).

His tally of sixes across internationals

Rohit, who made his international debut in 2007, has been a six-hitting machine in each of the three formats. Besides hitting over 200 T20I sixes, Rohit owns 323 maximums in ODI cricket, the third-most after Shahid Afridi (351) and Gayle (331). Rohit is one of only two Indian cricketers with over 80 sixes (84) in Test cricket, the other being Virender Sehwag (91).

List of batters with the most T20I sixes.

Position Player Country Matches Runs Sixes
1 Rohit Sharma India 157* 4114* 200
2 Martin Guptill New Zealand 122 3531 173
3 Jos Buttler England 123 3241 137
4 Glenn Maxwell Australia 113 2580 133
6 Nicholas Pooran West Indies 95 2076 132
7 Suryakumar Yadav India 66 2259 129
8 Paul Stirling Ireland 145 3601 128
8 Aaron Finch Australia 103 3120 125
9 Chris Gayle West Indies 79 1899 124
10 Muhammad Waseem UAE 53 1977 123

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Haryana govt Increases Reservation for OBC Category from 15% to 27%

Nayab Singh Saini announced that the reservation for the backward classes in Group-A and Group-B posts, currently at 15 per cent, will be increased to 27 per cent, “in line with the Central government’s policy”. Saini was addressing a gathering at ‘OBC Morcha Sarv Samaj Samrasta Sammelan’ held in Gurugram.

Welfare of the OBC community

“With the key aim of ensuring the welfare of the OBC community in Haryana and providing substantial benefits to the youth in government jobs, Haryana CM Nayab Singh Sunday made a series of pivotal announcements,” an official statement said.

  • The consideration of the Haryana State Backward Classes Commission, this increased limit will be implemented for state government jobs. Besides this, similar to the central government, income from salary and agriculture sources will not be included in this limit,” the CM said.
  • He added that the backlog of vacancies for Backward Class in group-A and B will be filled on a priority basis, with preparations underway for a special recruitment drive, he said.
  • To ensure that OBC youth receive employment opportunities smoothly, the CM announced that the 27 per cent reservation will also be implemented in the recruitment done through Haryana Kaushal Rozgar Nigam.

Two types of certificate are issued

For the Backward Class members, two types of certificates are issued in the state to facilitate them to avail benefits of government schemes and quota in government jobs and administration in educational institutions. For state government jobs, the certificates of BCs are issued while OBC certificates are issued for central government schemes.

Support in education of OBC children

He added that the Haryana government is supporting the education of OBC children by providing scholarships ranging from Rs 12,000 to Rs 20,000 to ensure quality education. The government is also focusing on the skill development of the OBC community. He said that the OBC community is not being deprived of their rights, and both the central and state governments are continuously implementing schemes to give full respect and recognition to the OBC community.

Important takeaways for all competitive exams:

  • Capital of Haryana: Chandigarh
  • Chief minister of Haryana: Nayab Singh Saini
  • Governor of Haryana: Bandaru Dattatreya
  • Haryana (before was): Part of Punjab
  • Bird: Black francolin
  • Districts: 22 (6 divisions)


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Indian Army Opened Khalubar War Memorial To Tourists in Ladakh

In Ladakh, as a tribute to the heroes of the Kargil War, the Indian Army has opened the Khalubar War Memorial to tourists. This opening ceremony was part of the ‘Forever in Operations’ Division’s Pre-Kargil Vijay Diwas celebrations as this year, the country will celebrate the 25th anniversary of Kargil Vijay Diwas on 26 July. Located in the renowned Aryan Valley this memorial commemorates the bravery and sacrifices of soldiers who fought to reclaim the valley during the war.

About Khalubar

Located in the scenic Aryan Valley, encompassing villages like Batalk, Garkone, Darchiks, and Biamah, this memorial stands as a testament to the courage and sacrifices of soldiers who reclaimed the valley during the 1999 conflict. The area was recaptured by the valiant efforts of Indian soldiers, including Captain Manoj Pandey, whose heroic actions are now immortalized at the memorial. Alongside the military, the local men and women played a pivotal role in the battle, cementing the valley’s historical and cultural significance. In a poignant tribute marking the 25th anniversary of Kargil Vijay Diwas, falling on July 26, the Indian Army has opened the Khalubar War Memorial to tourists. Khalubar became a pivotal point during the Kargil War when Pakistani forces seized it,” said an Army spokesperson. “The valour of our soldiers, including Captain Manoj Pandey, is immortalized here.”

Khalubar, an enduring inspiration

The opening ceremony was part of the ‘Forever in Operations’ Division’s Pre-Kargil Vijay Diwas celebrations, featuring a ‘Trek to Battle Site’ led by Brigadier OP Yadav, YSM (Retd), who commanded 1 BIHAR during OPERATION VIJAY. “The Battle of Khalubar remains an enduring inspiration,” remarked Brigadier Yadav, recalling his unit’s role in clearing enemy positions. The Army also renovated the Capt KC Nongrum, VrC Memorial at Khalubar ridge, underscoring its commitment to honoring war heroes. The event included interactions and lunch with current personnel, fostering a legacy of bravery for future generations. We’re dedicated to preserving the stories of sacrifice,” affirmed civilian volunteer VikasMinhas, lauding the Army’s efforts in rehabilitating war heroes and widows.


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Govt Appoints Girija Subramanian as CMD of New India Assurance Company

The government has appointed Girija Subramanian as chairman and managing director (CMD) of New India Assurance, the largest general insurer in India. She will hold this position from June 19, 2024, until she attains the age of superannuation or until further orders.

Professional Background

Girija Subramanian holds a bachelor’s degree in statistics and is a fellow member of the Insurance Institute of India. She is also an associate member of the Chartered Insurance Institute, London. Her career began in 1988 as a direct recruit officer at GIC Re, where she worked across various reinsurance departments, including aviation, life, health, and property classes. With over 34 years of experience in the insurance sector, she brings extensive expertise to her new role.

Career Highlights

Before her appointment as CMD of New India Assurance, Subramanian served as CMD of AIC of India from September 2022. Her leadership at AIC of India was marked by significant contributions to the company’s growth and operations. She succeeded Neerja Kapur, who retired in April, leaving the CMD position at New India Assurance vacant.

Appointment Process

Subramanian’s appointment followed an interview conducted by the government’s headhunting organization, FSIB, in March, where she competed with other qualified general managers. Her selection reflects her vast experience and leadership in the insurance industry.

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Anuj Tyagi Appointed MD and CEO of HDFC ERGO General Insurance

Private sector general insurer HDFC ERGO General Insurance announced the appointment of Anuj Tyagi as its new Managing Director (MD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective July 1, 2024. Tyagi, who has been with the company since 2008 and currently serves as Deputy MD, will succeed Ritesh Kumar, the MD & CEO since 2008. This leadership transition has received all necessary regulatory approvals.

Leadership Transition

Tyagi’s appointment follows a decision approved by the board, marking a significant change in the company’s leadership. Ritesh Kumar will transition to ERGO International, joining its Board of Management as the new Deputy Chief Operating Officer (COO) from October 4, 2024. Kumar will focus on expanding the company’s presence in Asian markets such as China, Thailand, and Singapore, pending administrative approvals and consent from ERGO International’s Supervisory Board.

Board’s Acknowledgment

Keki M Mistry, Chairman of the Board, expressed gratitude for Kumar’s 16 years of leadership, highlighting his transformative impact on the company’s brand and market position. Mistry also conveyed confidence in Tyagi’s capabilities to lead the company, noting his significant contributions over the years in various roles, including reinsurance, underwriting, claims, technology, people functions, and sales channels.

Future Vision

Anuj Tyagi expressed enthusiasm and gratitude for his new role at a pivotal time for the industry and company. He emphasized a future-ready, tech-first approach, aiming to leverage innovation to provide exceptional value to customers and channel partners.

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UEFA Euro 2024- Check All Previous Winners List

As we approach the UEFA Euro 2024, it’s time to reflect on the glorious history of this prestigious tournament. Since its inception in 1960, the European Championship has been a showcase of football excellence, bringing together the best national teams from across the continent.

UEFA European Football Championship winners

The journey began with the Soviet Union claiming the inaugural title in 1960. This victory set the stage for decades of thrilling competition and unforgettable moments. Italy are the reigning champions after defeating England in the final at Wembley on penalties at Euro 2020 (played in 2021).

Year Winner Host country
2021 Italy Azerbaijan, Denmark, England, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Spain.
2016 Portugal France
2012 Spain Poland/Ukraine
2008 Spain Austria/Switzerland
2004 Greece Portugal
2000 France Belgium/Netherlands
1996 Germany England
1992 Denmark Sweden
1988 Netherlands West Germany
1984 France France
1980 West Germany Italy
1976 Czechoslovakia Yugoslavia
1972 West Germany Belgium
1968 Italy Italy
1964 Spain Spain
1960 Soviet Union France

Looking Ahead: Euro 2024 in Germany

The Stage is Set

The upcoming UEFA Euro 2024 promises to be another spectacular event:

  • Dates: 14 June to 14 July 2024
  • Host: Germany
  • Venues: 10 cities across Germany, including Berlin, Munich, and Hamburg

Stars to Watch

Football fans are eagerly anticipating performances from top players like:

  • Kylian Mbappe (France)
  • Jude Bellingham (England)

A Tournament of Legends

As we count down to Euro 2024, we celebrate not just the upcoming competition, but the rich legacy of European football. From the Soviet Union’s inaugural win to Italy’s recent triumph, each tournament has added to the tapestry of football history.

The Euro continues to be a platform where legends are made, national pride is on display, and the beautiful game is celebrated in its purest form. As we look forward to the excitement and drama of Euro 2024, we honor the champions of the past and anticipate the emergence of new heroes on German soil.

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Saket Dham of Uttar Pradesh

Saket Dham, located in the holy city of Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, is a significant pilgrimage site for Hindus. This sacred place is deeply connected to the epic Ramayana and the life of Lord Rama. In this article, we will explore the history, significance, and various aspects of Saket Dham that make it a must-visit destination for devotees and tourists alike.

The Historical Significance of Saket Dham

Ancient Origins

The history of Saket Dham dates back to ancient times, with its roots firmly embedded in Hindu mythology. The name “Saket” itself holds great importance, as it was the original name of Ayodhya, the birthplace of Lord Rama.

Connection to the Ramayana

Saket Dham’s significance is closely tied to the events described in the Ramayana. It is believed that this was the place where Lord Rama spent a considerable part of his life, including his childhood and the period before his exile.

Key Attractions at Saket Dham

Ram Janmabhoomi Temple

The Ram Janmabhoomi Temple is the centerpiece of Saket Dham. This temple marks the exact spot where Lord Rama is believed to have been born. Devotees from all over India and beyond visit this sacred site to offer their prayers and seek blessings.

Hanuman Garhi

Hanuman Garhi is another important temple within Saket Dham, dedicated to Lord Hanuman, the devoted follower of Lord Rama. The temple is situated on a hill and offers panoramic views of Ayodhya.

Kanak Bhawan

Kanak Bhawan is a beautiful temple known for its ornate architecture and religious significance. It is said to have been gifted to Sita, Lord Rama’s wife, by his stepmother Kaikeyi.

Nageshwarnath Temple

The Nageshwarnath Temple is one of the oldest temples in Ayodhya and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Legend has it that the temple was established by Lord Rama’s son, Kush.

Spiritual Significance of Saket Dham

A Place of Devotion

Saket Dham holds immense spiritual significance for Hindus. It is considered one of the seven most sacred cities in India, known as Sapta Puri. Devotees believe that visiting Saket Dham and offering prayers here can bring them closer to spiritual enlightenment.

Moksha and Liberation

According to Hindu beliefs, those who die in Saket Dham are liberated from the cycle of birth and death, attaining moksha. This belief adds to the spiritual allure of the place, drawing pilgrims from far and wide.

Festivals and Celebrations at Saket Dham

Ram Navami

Ram Navami, the birth anniversary of Lord Rama, is celebrated with great fervor at Saket Dham. Thousands of devotees gather to participate in the festivities, which include special prayers, processions, and cultural programs.


The festival of Diwali holds special significance in Saket Dham, as it marks the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after his 14-year exile. The entire city is illuminated with lamps and fireworks, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

Shravan Mela

The Shravan Mela is an annual fair held during the Hindu month of Shravan. It attracts a large number of pilgrims who come to take a holy dip in the Saryu River and offer prayers at various temples.

Architecture and Art at Saket Dham

Temple Architecture

The temples at Saket Dham showcase a blend of various architectural styles, including Nagara, Dravidian, and Indo-Islamic. The intricate carvings, detailed sculptures, and majestic domes are a testament to the rich artistic heritage of India.

Murals and Paintings

Many temples within Saket Dham feature beautiful murals and paintings depicting scenes from the Ramayana and other Hindu scriptures. These artworks serve as visual narratives, educating visitors about the rich mythology and cultural heritage.

Visiting Saket Dham: Practical Information

Best Time to Visit

The ideal time to visit Saket Dham is between October and March when the weather is pleasant. However, visiting during festivals like Ram Navami and Diwali can offer a unique and vibrant experience.

How to Reach

  • By Air: The nearest airport is Ayodhya Airport, which is well-connected to major cities in India.
  • By Train: Ayodhya Junction railway station is the main railway station serving the city.
  • By Road: Ayodhya is well-connected by road to major cities in Uttar Pradesh and neighboring states.


Saket Dham offers a range of accommodation options to suit different budgets, from dharamshalas (pilgrim rest houses) to modern hotels.

Cultural Impact of Saket Dham

Influence on Literature and Art

Saket Dham has been a source of inspiration for countless poets, writers, and artists throughout history. Its stories and legends have been immortalized in various forms of literature and art.

Preservation of Traditions

The temples and rituals at Saket Dham play a crucial role in preserving ancient Hindu traditions and practices, passing them down to future generations.

Conservation Efforts at Saket Dham

Restoration of Temples

Ongoing efforts are being made to restore and preserve the ancient temples of Saket Dham, ensuring that their architectural and historical significance is maintained for future generations.

Environmental Initiatives

Various initiatives have been undertaken to maintain the cleanliness and ecological balance of Saket Dham, including the Clean Saryu Mission and tree plantation drives.

Saket Dham: A Symbol of Unity and Harmony

Interfaith Dialogue

Saket Dham has become a platform for interfaith dialogue, promoting understanding and respect among different religious communities.

Cultural Exchange

The site attracts visitors from diverse backgrounds, fostering cultural exchange and mutual appreciation among people from different parts of India and the world.

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