The Indian short film Anuja has been nominated for Best Live Action Short Film at the 97th Academy Awards, marking a significant achievement for Indian cinema on the global stage. This nomination highlights the film’s compelling storytelling and the impactful contributions of its producers, including Priyanka Chopra and Guneet Monga.
Synopsis and Themes
Anuja narrates the poignant story of a nine-year-old girl, Anuja, who works in a garment factory in Delhi alongside her sister, Palak. The film delves into the challenges they face and the life-altering decisions that test their bond, reflecting the universal struggles of girls worldwide.
Production and Collaborations
Directed by Adam J. Graves, Anuja is produced by Guneet Monga, Priyanka Chopra, and Mindy Kaling. The film is a collaboration with Salaam Baalak Trust, Shine Global, and Krushan Naik Films, ensuring an authentic portrayal of the struggles and triumphs of working children in India.
Accolades and Recognition
Prior to its Oscar nomination, Anuja received several accolades:
- Best Live Action Short Award at the HollyShorts Film Festival on August 19, 2024.
- Audience Award for Short Film at the Montclair Film Festival on October 27, 2024.
These honors underscore the film’s critical acclaim and its resonance with audiences and critics alike.
Impact and Availability
Anuja addresses critical issues such as child labor and the importance of girls’ education. The film is set to be available for streaming on Netflix, offering a broader audience the opportunity to experience its emotional depth and cultural significance.
Summary of the news
Why in News | Key Points |
Indian short film Anuja nominated for Best Live Action Short Film at the 97th Academy Awards. | Directors: Adam J. Graves |
Produced by Priyanka Chopra and Guneet Monga. | Producers: Priyanka Chopra, Guneet Monga |
Film tells the story of a girl working in a Delhi garment factory, highlighting child labor. | Theme: Child labor, sibling bond |
The film won Best Live Action Short at the HollyShorts Film Festival (Aug 2024). | Awards: HollyShorts Film Festival (Best Short) |
It also won the Audience Award for Best Short at the Montclair Film Festival (Oct 2024). | Awards: Montclair Film Festival (Audience Award) |
Set to stream on Netflix. | Platform: Netflix |
The 97th Academy Awards will be held on March 2, 2025, at the Dolby Theatre. | Academy Awards Date: March 2, 2025 |