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Cards, Mobile, Net banking top Complaint Areas at Banking Ombudsman: RBI

Issues related to ATM/debit cards and mobile/electronic banking were the top grounds of complaints received at the Office of Banking Ombudsman (OBO), said an RBI report. The coverage of RBIOS was extended to include the non-scheduled Urban Cooperative Banks (UCBs) with a deposit size of Rs 50 crore or above as at the end of the previous Financial Year. Credit Information Companies (CICs) were brought under RBI-IOS with effect from September 1, 2022. Between November 12, 2021 and March 31, 2022, a total of 1,86,268 complaints were received under the RBIOS.

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The volume of complaints received under the Ombudsman Schemes/Consumer Education and Protection Cells during 2021-22 increased by 9.39% over the previous year and stood at 4,18,184. Of these, 3,04,496 complaints were handled by the 22 Offices of RBI Ombudsman (ORBIOs), including the complaints received under the three erstwhile Ombudsman Schemes till November 11, 2021.

Complaints related to ATM/ debit cards were the highest at 14.6% of the total, followed by mobile/ electronic banking at 13.6%. About 90% of the total complaints were received through digital modes, including on the online Complaint Management System (CMS) portal, e-mail, and Centralised Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS).

About The Resolution:

Majority 66.1% of the maintainable complaints were resolved through mutual settlement/conciliation/mediation. The rate of disposal of complaints by ombudsmen improved to 97.9% in 2021-22 from 96.6% in 2020-21.

One Nation, One Ombudsman:

Under the RBI-OS, 2021, following the ‘One Nation, One Ombudsman‘ principle, the territorial jurisdictions for the ORBIOs have been abrogated, and complaints are assigned to all the ORBIOs by the CMS.

A Nationwide Customer Satisfaction Survey:

Talking about other developments during the year, the report said, a Nationwide Customer Satisfaction Survey to assess the satisfaction level of the complainants who had approached the RBIOs for redressal of their grievances was undertaken through a third-party agency, which indicated the overall satisfaction level of the complainants was at 59.55 percent. 

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Cards, Mobile, Net banking top Complaint Areas at Banking Ombudsman: RBI_6.1