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Chad’s Military Dictator Idriss Deby Wins Presidential Election

Mahamat Idris Deby Itno, Chad’s military dictator and interim president, has secured victory in the presidential election held on May 6, 2024. This provisional result, announced by the National Election Management Agency on May 10, 2024, is poised to extend Deby’s rule for another six years.


Idriss Deby, Mahamat’s father, ruled Chad for 30 years with an iron fist until his death in 2021. Mahamat Idris Deby took over as interim president after his father’s demise, subsequently consolidating power with the support of army generals.

Election Outcome

Mahamat Idris Deby Itno clinched 61.03% of the votes, while his closest competitor, Prime Minister Succes Masra, garnered only 18.53%. However, the legitimacy of the result remains contentious, with allegations of government-backed election rigging.

Opposition and Controversy

Opposition candidate Succes Masra contests the election result, citing irregularities and potential manipulation. The disqualification of numerous opposition leaders prior to the election further exacerbates concerns regarding the fairness and freedom of the electoral process.

Regional Significance

Chad’s election marks a notable event in the Sahel region, being the first democratic election in a military-ruled country. The Sahel, characterized by political instability and insurgent activity, spans ten African countries and serves as a transitional zone between the Sahara desert and the humid savannas to the north.

Republic of Chad Overview

Situated in north-central Africa, Chad is the fifth largest country on the continent. The president serves as both the head of state and government, with a six-year term limit of two terms. N’Djamena serves as the capital, and the official currency is the CFA franc.

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