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GoI unveils “Manthan” platform for better industry and R&D collaboration

GoI unveils "Manthan" platform for better industry and R&D collaboration_4.1

The government of India unveiled the “Manthan” platform to drive collaboration between the industry and research institutes to implement technology-based social impact innovations and solutions in the country. The launch of Manthan, a platform that promises to augment our efforts to build and nurture industry participation in R&D, is also a testimony of our commitment to the UN’s SDG goals. The launch commemorates India’s 75 years of independence and presents an opportunity to bring national and global communities closer to India’s technology revolution.

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Benefits of the Manthan platform:

  • The Manthan platform will help scale up interactions among stakeholders, facilitate research and innovation, and share challenges in various emerging technologies and scientific interventions, including those that make a social impact.
  • The platform will provide the necessary fulcrum for transforming the nation through innovative ideas, inventive minds, and public-private-academia collaboration to achieve th country’s sustainability goals.
  • Manthan will facilitate knowledge transfers and interactions through information exchange sessions, exhibitions, and events to develop a framework for future science, innovation, and technology-led growth.

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