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India Advances in Drone Warfare with Nagastra-1 Deployment

India has achieved a significant milestone in its defense capabilities with the induction of the indigenous Nagastra-1 kamikaze drones developed by Solar Industries, based in Nagpur. This deployment addresses the escalating drone-related incidents along India’s Northern borders, highlighting the critical need for advanced indigenous drone technologies in combat applications.

Induction of Nagastra-1 by Indian Army

The Indian Army has procured 480 units of the Nagastra-1 Loiter Munition from Economics Explosives Ltd (EEL), a subsidiary of Solar Industries, under an emergency purchase agreement. Following successful Pre-Delivery Inspections (PDI), an initial batch of 120 drones has been delivered to the Ammunition Depot at Pulgaon, affirming their readiness for operational deployment.

Technical Capabilities

Operating in kamikaze mode, Nagastra-1 offers GPS-enabled precision strikes with an impressive accuracy of 2 meters. Weighing 9 kilograms, this electric UAV features a fixed-wing design and offers a flight endurance of 30 minutes. It can operate up to 15 kilometers in man-in-loop mode and extend to 30 kilometers autonomously. The drone’s low acoustic signature and stealth capabilities make it difficult for adversaries to detect at altitudes exceeding 200 meters. Equipped with day and night surveillance cameras and a 1-kilogram High Explosive Fragmenting Warhead, it effectively neutralizes soft-skin targets.

Development and Collaboration

Developed with over 75% indigenous content, Nagastra-1 is a collaborative effort between Economics Explosives Ltd and Z-Motion Autonomous Systems Pvt Ltd, Bangalore. Its components include the Ground Control Station, Communication Control, Payload, and Pneumatic Launcher, housed in two rucksacks weighing a total of 30 kilograms.

Significance in Modern Warfare

The advent of Nagastra-1 underscores India’s strategic advancement in utilizing drones as force multipliers in military operations. Globally, drones have proven their effectiveness in conflicts such as the Armenia-Azerbaijan war and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. The deployment of Nagastra-1 marks a crucial step towards bolstering India’s defense technology sector and achieving self-reliance in critical defense capabilities.

Nagastra-1 : key points

Origin and Development

Developed by Solar Industries, based in Nagpur, India.


Inducted by the Indian Army to enhance defense capabilities along northern borders.

Technical Specifications

Type: Kamikaze drone (Loiter Munition).

Weight: 9 kilograms.

Endurance: 30 minutes.

Range: Up to 30 kilometers in autonomous mode.

Payload: Includes day/night surveillance and a 1 kg High Explosive Fragmenting Warhead.

Stealth: Low acoustic signature for stealth operations.


Operates with GPS-enabled precision (accuracy of 2 meters).

Designed for man-in-loop and autonomous operations.

Soft landing capability with parachute recovery for potential reuse.

Indigenous Content

Over 75% indigenous components, showcasing India’s self-reliance in defense technology.

Strategic Importance

Enhances India’s military capabilities with advanced drone technology in modern warfare scenarios.

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