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India, Israel sign MoU for industrial research and development cooperation

India and Israel sign MoU for industrial research and development cooperation:

India and Israel have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on industrial research and development cooperation, marking a significant milestone in their scientific and technological partnership, the Ministry of Science & Technology said.

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Joint industrial research and development projects:

The collaboration aims to enable joint industrial research and development projects in various high-tech fields such as artificial intelligence, quantum and semiconductors, synthetic biology, healthcare, aerospace, sustainable energy, and agriculture, among others.

Implementation and monitoring:

The MoU will be implemented through specific projects agreed upon by both parties and monitored by a Joint Steering Committee led by the heads of CSIR and DDR&D.

Signatories and attendees:

N Kalaiselvi, DG, CSIR and Secretary, DSIR, and Daniel Gold, Head, DDR&D, signed the agreement during a meeting attended by the Minister of State (IC), Ministry of Science and Technology and Earth Sciences, GoI, and Vice President, CSIR Society, Jitendra Singh.

Discussions on specific collaborations:

During the meeting, specific collaborations on hydrogen and aerospace between CSIR and DDR&D, as well as a joint clinical trial project between CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology and 101 Therapeutics for a potential COVID-19 drug, were also discussed and welcomed.

Strengthening India-Israel relationship:

The event also highlighted the successful diplomatic relations between the two countries, which have strengthened into a strategic partnership. Jitendra Singh emphasized India’s competence in the identified priority sectors and welcomed the technology partnership with Israel, congratulating both parties for their efforts to strengthen the India-Israel relationship.

About Israel: 

Israel country profile - BBC News

Israel is a country located in the Middle East, on the southeastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Here are some key points about Israel:

  1. History: Israel has a long and complex history, with significant events such as the reign of King David and King Solomon, the Babylonian exile, and the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1948.
  2. Geography: Israel has a diverse geography, with a mix of coastlines, deserts, mountains, and valleys. The country shares borders with Lebanon to the north, Syria to the northeast, Jordan to the east, Egypt to the southwest, and the Palestinian territories to the east and west.
  3. Population: Israel has a population of approximately 9 million people, with a mix of Jews, Arabs, and other ethnic groups.
  4. Language: The official languages of Israel are Hebrew and Arabic, although English is also widely spoken.
  5. Religion: Israel is considered to be a significant religious center, with Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all having historical roots in the region.
  6. Economy: Israel has a highly developed and diversified economy, with strengths in areas such as technology, agriculture, and tourism.
  7. Government: Israel is a parliamentary democracy with a president, prime minister, and parliament known as the Knesset.

  8. The current prime minister is Benjamin Netanyahu of Likud, the ninth person to hold the position.

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