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Iran unveils all new and powerful suicide drone ‘Shahed-136B’

Amid the growing tension in the Middle-East, Iran for the first time has showcased the Shahed 136B drone and Jihad ballistic missile.

About 136B Drone

  • Iran presented this new kamikaze drone as part of its military modernization program, in a context marked by growing instability in the region.
  • The Shahed-136B drone is an upgraded version of the Shahed-136, with new features and an operational range of more than 4,000 kilometers (2,500 miles).


  • It has an operational range of between 2,500 and 4,000 kilometers (depending on the source).
  • A more powerful warhead, a reduced radar signature, and an aerodynamic design that departs from the previous model’s delta wing configuration.

Launch effect

  • Shahed-136B’s larger size suggests that its launch system might be more static and less expedient. 
  • The Shahed-136, thanks to its compact design, can be transported in large quantities and rapidly deployed from moving vehicles
  • However, the larger Shahed-136B may require larger or more complex launch platforms.

Similar to missile

  • The drone also makes use of a turbojet engine – making it more similar to a cruise missile – and boasts improved stealth capabilities.

Prepare for attacks

  • Iran lacks an ability to strike the United States mainland as Russia and North Korea can, the ability to strike targets in Europe is particularly important to deterring possible Western assaults. 
  • Western military assaults on Iraq, Libya, Syria and other states around the world outside its sphere of influence, which have consistently devastated the targeted countries, deterring the West has been a central focus of Iranian military planning. 

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