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Mumbai among 19 cities with the best public transport in the world

Mumbai among 19 cities with the best public transport in the world_4.1

Berlin in Germany has been named the city with the most exceptional public transport system globally, according to a survey conducted by Time Out, a London-based media outlet that specializes in the hospitality industry and identifies itself as a global brand committed to urban life. Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, came in second place. Mumbai, the top-ranked Indian city, secured the 19th spot in the rankings. Meanwhile, Mumbai boasts a grand suburban railway network that is a boon for the metropolitan region with a population of about 12.5 million. “81 percent of locals say it’s easy to cross Mumbai by public transport, and the system certainly keeps the metropolis moving, with millions using the city’s buses, rickshaws, metro and taxis on a daily basis.

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A survey conducted by Time Out, which polled 20,000 respondents across 50 cities worldwide to measure public opinion on their local transportation systems, revealed that Berlin has the most dependable, secure, and comfortable public transport network, with 97% of its residents commending the system. Among the top 10 cities ranked in the survey, five were in Asia, with Tokyo topping the list at number three. Berlin’s U-Bahn, which includes nine easily accessible lines and a total of 175 stations, received particular praise from respondents for its efficiency.

List of world’s top 10 cities with best public transit system:

1. Berlin
2. Prague
3. Tokyo
4. Copenhagen
5. Stockholm
6. Singapore
7. Hong Kong
8. Taipei
9. Shanghai
10. Amsterdam

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